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  1. Hi, I too am being affected by this problem, I need to use POI 3.5beta4 for its support of OOXML file formats, this then breaks my ability to render XLS files from JasperReports because of the removed (instead of deprecated) method addMergedRegion. Are there any plans to release a patch to JasperReports, or is there a place were I can get a preview/patched copy that fixes this problem? Thanks, Andy.
  2. Thanks, I\'ll look at upgrading to the latest version. Andy.
  3. I\'m using v1.2.5 of JasperReports. The problem I was facing was that I changed the delimeter from a comma to a colon. However the existing code in the exporter was still placing quotes around fields that contained a comma (since that was hard-coded). What my change does is to only put quotes around fields that contain one of the specified delimeters.
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