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Everything posted by ktalarico

  1. How do I display multiple rows in a single detail cell? My crosstab has workers on the left and days on the top. The detail cell contains their shift for the day. Some workers have more than one shift in a single day. I've attached a pictures of what it should and should not look like (note the detail cell for Dec 25). I have also attached the jrxml. Any help is appreciated. I am using iReport 3.0.0. Karen Post Edited by ktalarico at 01/27/2010 18:48
  2. Did you ever find a solution to your problem? Karen
  3. Nasir, Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I am trying to overcome the same issue. Karen
  4. I have the same problem. Did you ever find the solution?
  5. This is the post that provides the solution: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=40464 We simply copied the windows true type fonts to the jvm (jre/lib/fonts) and restarted Tomcat and it worked. Must make sure the font name in the report matches the font name in the jvm and it is case sensitive on Linux.
  6. I see this is an old post. I am having this problem too. My reports render correctly on windows. But on Linux, the text does not fit in the column. Did you ever find a resolution to this problem? Thanks, Karen
  7. Actually, I did see that post from Teodor. It was this post from vincewebb that led me to try upgrading to Adobe 8: I have seen the same error "Illegal operation inside a path". Thrown up by Adobe 7 when viewing a pdf generated by jasperreports-2.0.3.jar. Adobe 8 displays the pdf OK. As I mentioned in my earlier post, the error I get with Adobe 8 occurs on iReport versions 1.3.3 and 2.0.2, not just 2.0.3. At any rate, I am fine for now using iReport 2.0.2 and Adobe 7. Thanks, K
  8. I was getting the "illegal operation inside of a path" error in Adobe also with version 2.0.3. I tried upgrading to Adobe 8.1.1 and got a different error now: "There was an error opening this document. Access denied." I tried it with iReport 2.0.2 and 1.3.3 and still get the same error. If anyone has any suggestions, please send along. I will attach my jrxml file for reference. Thanks. [file name=arrivals_activity_TBI.jrxml size=28949]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/arrivals_activity_TBI.jrxml[/file]
  9. I did it all in SQL with outer join. select SHIFT_DATE, nvl(round(24 * (psa.shift_end_datetime-psa.shift_start_datetime), 1),0) as total_hour, nvl(c.external_code,c.leave_type_code) ||'('||c.leave_type_code||')' as leave_type_code from pa_shift_allocation psa, leave_type_code c where psa.leave_type_code(+)=c.leave_type_code AND psa.shift_date(+) like '%$P!{p_month}' and psa.status(+) = 'A' and psa.assignment_type_code(+) = 'L' Post edited by: ktalarico, at: 2007/10/17 12:26
  10. Thanks for posting this question, Skeeve. I was looking for this as well. I ended up doing it all in my SQL query, but the downside was somehow I ended up with an extra row at the bottom of my crosstab with no date and all zeros across. I could live with that, however. But if anyone knows how to get rid of it, I'd welcome suggestions. Post edited by: ktalarico, at: 2007/10/12 02:19 [file name=CROSSTAB.jpg size=47743]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/CROSSTAB.jpg[/file] Post edited by: ktalarico, at: 2007/10/12 02:22
  11. Pardon my ignorance, how do I create an Input Control in iReport? Thanks much, Post edited by: ktalarico, at: 2007/04/18 03:38
  12. Hi, I also look forward to being able to use an external stylesheet that can be accessed from any report. Regards
  13. I'm all set now with the help of some of your other posts. Thanks again.
  14. Thank you very much. I'm having problems getting my element to print. Can you tell me if I need to modify my destination variable for the REPORT_COUNT in a specific way? (i.e., Calculation Type, Reset Type, Increment Type, etc.)
  15. What is the correct expression to enter when I want an element to appear only when the number of rows returned from my SQL query is zero?
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