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  1. Hi everyone. I have installed PostgreSql-8.2.3(latest version) and want to create a report using IReport-1.3.1. I first tried to create the connection, the JDBC driver was in the drop down list, but when I asked to test the connection, IReport displayed an error message telling that the JAR file couldn´t be located in the classpath. Then I downloaded the JDBC driver from www.postgreSql.com. I got the driver for JDBC 4 which is the standard API used by Java 1.6.0 and copied the file to <IREPORT-INSTALL>lib directory. Then the connection test worked. Another problema came, The next step in Report Wizard asks you to provide a SQL statement. I entered the following SQL stat. select * from cliente; but it simply says: SQL problems: ERROR: relation "cliente" does not exist{2} I have checked if the table exists and entered the SQL statement "select * from cliente;" in the PGSQL and it worked fine. Anybody helps??
  2. --> Have you tried to look if there are other ways to achieve the same effect? I mean, could there be print request attributes or options on the print dialog (if displayed) that would allow forcing the printing to fit the printable area? Yes, I tried to look about, but I don\'t found any suitable solution. when the print dialogue window is opened not there is flag to fit the image ( how you can find in the acrobat reader print dialogue... for example ). Moreover if it were decided to print the document in batch modality, all windows of dialogue would not have to be used. -->Are you sure we need to modify the JRGraphic2DExporter? I don\'t think commenting our the global XY translation the modifications to the clipping area and the background fill area are correct. Of sure they I\'m not sure of such change, however I have tried various times these changes and to me it seems to work. To being sincere, second me, there are of the problems just in this part of code (you see XY translation). If you want I\'ll try to send some examples to you, I ask to you a confirmation, therefore i don\'t time lost uselessly. Grazie mille Stefano
  3. Hi, 1) Could you give us some more details about this problem? When you say "Excel Exporter", do you mean exporting to Excel using the "JRXlsExporter" class, or the "JExcelApiExporter" one? 2) When using POI (ie JRXlsExporter) there are a set of builtin data format patterns (see http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/apidocs/org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFDataFormat.html), and a set of recognized format symbols. Unfortunately, the timezone \'z\' or \'Z\' characters are not included, and so are the \'E\', \'w\' and \'W\' too. Excel does not recognize them as part of date formatting. That explains them being written "as it is". We introduced a new exporter parameter (FORMAT_PATTERNS_MAP) to allow translating the text field patterns to XLS exporter specific cell format patterns. This is a map containing the classic java format pattern as key, and the corresponding proprietary format pattern as value, and you can see an example after downloading compiling and executing the "jasper" sample (http://scm.jasperforge.org/svn/repos/jasperreports). The corresponding pattern you choose may not look 100% like the java pattern, you have to decide the better way to keep the most part of information in the new data representation. Regards, sanda
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