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Badr Draifi

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Everything posted by Badr Draifi

  1. Hi Bradrobinson, could you please share the logs and a screenshot of your DataAdapter connection details (please remember to mask any confidential data)? Fyi, here's how to get Studio logs : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/finding-jaspersoft-studio-error-log
  2. Discover a new way to create reports entirely web-based. JasperReports Web Studio is a new web-based report designer for JasperReports, which targets users of all levels, from the beginner to the most demanding. Check out our Dr. Jaspersoft session, where Giulio Toffoli (Jaspersoft Sr. Director of Engineering) covers how to get up and running with a local instance of JasperReports Web Studio, how to quickly set up a data adapter to connect to your data, and start designing your reports. We will see the tool in action as a standalone application and also as part of JasperReports Server, which includes the new designer to modify reports without using desktop tools. See our upcoming and previous sessions and recordings in our community here and or at jaspersoft.com here. Keep in touch: drjaspersoft@connect.jaspersoft.com
  3. Hi grobinson, looks like you have a compilation issue in your report. When you publish a report to the Server, the studio automatically compiles the report first and generates any compilation errors you might have; if you look in the code source view of your report (the jrxml code), you might see the part of the error underlined in red. More importantly, I see that you use Professional version 7.5, I highly recommend you use our recently supported versions; you can try version 8, and if the problem persists, you can log a ticket in our support platform for commercial users: https://support.tibco.com, a dedicated support engineer will be helping you fix the issue in a timely manner. Let me know if you need further assistance from the community.
  4. Hi, could you please send the following: 1. Your Studio version 2. Your OS and Java version 3. Your jrxml file 4. Does the issue occur only in Studio? When you run your report in the Server, does it also have the black dots? Thanks
  5. Hi Geruiz, We are not supporting Ad Hoc View export in Visualize.js at the moment. You can file an Enhancement request here. A possible workaround for a moment: Add Ad Hoc View to the dashboard as a dashlet.Enable export button for the dashlet.Embed dashboard using visualize.jsUse export button of the dashlet to export Ad Hoc View into any supported format from the list
  6. Hi, could you please elaborate more on what are you trying to accomplish, and the reasons behind this requirement? Generally, if you want your subreports to have dynamic path, you can use Customer expression (Expression editor) when you select your subreport from your main report. You can then have a dynamic path based on a variable, parameter....This way you'll be able to fix your publishing strategy and you'll make sure that the desired subreport will be picked.
  7. Hi grobinson, looks like you have a compilation issue in your report. When you publish a report to the Server, the studio automatically compiles the report first and generates any compilation errors you might have; if you look in the code source view of your report (the jrxml code), you might see the part of the error underlined in red. More importantly, I see that you use Professional version 7.5, I highly recommend you use our recently supported versions; you can try version 8, and if the problem persists, you can log a ticket in our support platform for commercial users: https://support.tibco.com, a dedicated support engineer will be helping you fix the issue in a timely manner. Let me know if you need further assistance from the community.
  8. Could you please attach the report and the logs by clicking on the details button of the exception? Also, please provide the Studio version you're using. Thanks
  9. Fyi, we've added a session that walk you through how to achieve this using RestAPI and Jenkins: Part 1: Part 2:
  10. Hi Shu, you raised a good point as it looks like we don't have an explicit mapping between JRS and JSS version. You can see our supported platform documentation in our official documentation page for JRS for now. We will get back to you regarding JSS.
  11. Thank you, Grobinson for the feedback. Could you please post the fix as an Answer in this thread to benefit all the community users? Thanks
  12. Hi Taehwan, what's the element you want to rotate? You can use this property to rotate text : https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/rotation/index.html See also this wiki for image : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-rotate-image-report
  13. Please add any questions, notes, ideas or updates you want to share below in the comment section. Description: In this upcoming live session, Dr. Jaspersoft will be diagnosing how to move from Jaspersoft’s Community Edition to our supported Commercial Edition. If you are a community edition user that is planning to make a switch to a commercial license for more dynamic features such as advanced dashboards, flexible ad-hoc reporting, and dynamic multi-tenancy capabilities - we’ve got you covered. This month's session will equip you with a practical road map to navigate the transition process, walk you through common pitfalls to avoid, the necessary steps required, and how to secure and leverage your data during the switch. Stay tuned and subscribe here for email reminders and links to our upcoming sessions. Or join us via YouTube Live stream at the date and time listed above. To view our prior sessions, please visit https://www.jaspersoft.com/events/series/dr-jaspersoft-webinar-series
  14. iReport 5.X is an outdated Jaspersoft Studio/Server version. I highly recommend you use our latest versions and preferably use the same version for JasperReports Server CE and Jaspersoft Studio CE. Jaspersoft Studio for 8.2 Jaspersoft community suite (version: 6.20.5), is certified on Windows 11, so you shouldn't have any Windows-related issues. Here's the link to download our latest Jaspersoft version (Server, Studio, Library); keep in mind the Server already embeds the right library version so, as Studio. Here's the link to the platform support for 8.2, you can check other documentation or the same documentation for other versions by going to the global documentation page and selecting your desired version.
  15. That might be due to different scenarios; please check these links showing different solutions to different scenarios; if non of these work, please send us your jrxml report. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74454075/jasperreport-unexpected-white-space-between-jrlistcontents-elements https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/516303/removing-whitespace-when-detail-full-height https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57057135/jasper-print-when-create-white-space
  16. Hi Donald, Please follow the resolution in this link below and let us know. Also can you provide the Studio version you're using ? Thanks Fix : https://community.jaspersoft.com/blog/tip-japsersoft-design-studio-metadatalog-error
  17. Hi Joao, we don't recommend you turning off the sql validation, your system will be less secure and exposed to sql injection attacks. You can leave the validation on and adjust your regular expression to allow the @ symbole. Can you please share your jrxml file and the stack trace of the error in the japserserver.log file? Thanks
  18. Hi Grace, It might be different reason why aren't you able to connect to your data source (Network issues, Mysql driver uncompatibility with your server...) Please take a look at your logs and provide us with more details on your issue. Would be better if you can send us the : jasperserver.log file
  19. Hi Ngoc, can you please share your JRS version and which documentation you're following ? Thanks
  20. Hi Luca, Whether it's normal or not would depend on many factors (resources such as ram and CPUs, JVM params, errors, memory leak, tuning....). So far, we don't have any known performance issues with large XML files, so it seems to me you can fine-tune your environment to lower the response time. The best way to go through this is first to check your logs. Are there any errors? If you can, try increasing the RAM; as you stated bigger the size of your files longer is the response time, so I would say the time for the garbage collector to free up the memory for you is impacting your report generation time. Also, please use the latest JRS versions (which are generally better in performance than the previous ones), and use the latest JDK version with the parameters recommended in our install guide. You can go further on the investigation by hooking your JRS with visualVM or another profiling tool and check how much memory your report takes and in which java method it's taking the most of the time, sometimes a bad implementation of report components can impact the memory consumptions, especially for crosstabs. Please see here for how to investigate performance issues and fine-tuning : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/tibco-jasperreports-server-performance-tips-and-tricks https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/virtualizers-jasperreports https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-visual-vm-jasperreports-server-view-call-traces https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/changing-garbage-collection-g1-tibco-jasperreports-server https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/sun-openjdk-jvm-garbage-collection-tuning
  21. Hi Saminda_lk, Please reproduce and provide the studio logs, see here : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/finding-jaspersoft-studio-error-log
  22. To have a group option under Reset type, you'll have to create the group, see here https://community.jaspersoft.com/blog/playing-variables-group-level-summations-increment-type-and-reset-type-multi-level-group For : In UCCD_TMCODE i have 1 lakh values. In the input, I want to enter specific 10 or 15 UCCD_TMCODE values using comma. The desired outcome is data should get populated for all the mentioned comma-separated UCCD_TMCODE. => You can use a query in your input controls that returns the value of the field presented as multi-select like shown in your question, then create a variable that will take the values of your multi-select param and create one value with the selected fields separated by a comma using Java tools. Then use this variable in a non prompt param that you'll pass to your jrxml query.
  23. You should be using the keyalias=deprecatedImportExportEncSecret argument in your RestAPI import/export to exchange resources from different instances with different keystore using RestAPI. See documentation here This is an example : curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/import?keyalias=deprecatedImportExportEncSecret' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/zip' --header 'Authorization: Basic ckljsqdlkjlkqsjd2lkqjscg==' --header 'Cookie: userLocale=en_US; JSESSIONID=10CD33082811F8778C8533F00B0FF405' --form 'file=@"/C:/export.zip"'
  24. Hi, JasperReports Server (JRS) preAuth token encryption is handled in the first stage when you call a JRS URL with your token in param or header (depends on your configuration). When you have encryption in place, JRS will first decrypt your token using your own decryption class, and the results should match the structure of the PP token you've defined in the configuration file. JRS will create and authenticate your user if it's a new user or only authenticate if it already exists. It looks to me that you have some miss configuration in your security set up, please make sure you followed the following link to make sure your set up is correct : : Tag : Encryption code example Working Github sample of encryption
  25. Hi Harismitacbe, not sure what you are trying to achieve, do you want to have one memberId value that has multiple memberids with spearted comma ? could you please explain more what is the desired outcome? Anyway, you can do both separated commas and cascading in jaspersoft, see below for examples : Separated comma :https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/537867/list-comma-separated-values https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1141831/how-convert-values-certain-colum-comma-separated-list Cascading : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/cascading-input-controls https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v60/cascading-input-controls#:~:text=A%20cascading%20input%20control%20is,another%20query%2Dbased%20input%20control. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/video-implementing-cascading-input-controlsfilters-ad-hoc-reports
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