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  1. Version 6.21.2


    All package files for this release Jaspersoft® Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that meet any requirements and can pull from the widest selection of data sources. Whatever you create can be customized to support specific business requirements, re-used and easily published for distribution. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software. Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.2 is available under a BSD-type license. Change Log (2024-02-14) ===================== -- Hyperlink interactivity for reports in dashboard; -- Added new AdHoc component; -- Google Map component improvements; -- RCP version is now based on the Eclipse 4.29 platform; -- Updated the bundled JRE to Adoptium Temurin OpenJDK (ex Adopt OpenJDK); -- Added FastExcel-Reader library (version 0.15.6) to support the new Excel datasource implementation; -- Full support for JasperReports® Library; -- Release notes Other packages and releases
  2. Version 6.21.2


    .j-extension h1::after { content: "Linux"; } Jaspersoft® Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that meet any requirements and can pull from the widest selection of data sources. Whatever you create can be customized to support specific business requirements, re-used and easily published for distribution. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software. Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.2 is available under a BSD-type license. Change Log ========== -- Hyperlink interactivity for reports in dashboard; -- Added new AdHoc component; -- Google Map component improvements; -- RCP version is now based on the Eclipse 4.29 platform; -- Updated the bundled JRE to Adoptium Temurin OpenJDK (ex Adopt OpenJDK); -- Added FastExcel-Reader library (version 0.15.6) to support the new Excel datasource implementation; -- Full support for JasperReports® Library; -- Release notes Other packages and releases
  3. Version 6.21.2


    .j-extension h1::after { content: "Mac OS X"; } Jaspersoft® Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that meet any requirements and can pull from the widest selection of data sources. Whatever you create can be customized to support specific business requirements, re-used and easily published for distribution. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software. Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.2 is available under a BSD-type license. Change Log ========== -- Hyperlink interactivity for reports in dashboard; -- Added new AdHoc component; -- Google Map component improvements; -- RCP version is now based on the Eclipse 4.29 platform; -- Updated the bundled JRE to Adoptium Temurin OpenJDK (ex Adopt OpenJDK); -- Added FastExcel-Reader library (version 0.15.6) to support the new Excel datasource implementation; -- Full support for JasperReports® Library; -- Release notes Other packages and releases
  4. Version 6.21.2


    .j-extension h1::after { content: "Windows"; } Jaspersoft® Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that meet any requirements and can pull from the widest selection of data sources. Whatever you create can be customized to support specific business requirements, re-used and easily published for distribution. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software. Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.2 is available under a BSD-type license. Change Log ========== -- Hyperlink interactivity for reports in dashboard; -- Added new AdHoc component; -- Google Map component improvements; -- RCP version is now based on the Eclipse 4.29 platform; -- Updated the bundled JRE to Adoptium Temurin OpenJDK (ex Adopt OpenJDK); -- Added FastExcel-Reader library (version 0.15.6) to support the new Excel datasource implementation; -- Full support for JasperReports® Library; -- Release notes Other packages and releases
  5. Version 6.21.0


    All package files for this release JasperReports® Library has over 600,000 downloads each month. It’s written entirely in Java. Runs anywhere. And can deliver beautifully rendered reports and other data visualizations from raw data with lightning speed. As versatile as it is, it’s also a surprisingly simple, flexible, and configurable API for developers to interface with and can easily adapt to various needs when embedded into your Java application. License GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3) Change Log (2024-01-26) ===================== -- added support for PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/A-3u; -- added support for WEBP images; -- minor bug fixes and improvements; Other packages and releases
  6. Version 6.21.2


    All package files for this release JasperReports® Library has over 600,000 downloads each month. It’s written entirely in Java. Runs anywhere. And can deliver beautifully rendered reports and other data visualizations from raw data with lightning speed. As versatile as it is, it’s also a surprisingly simple, flexible, and configurable API for developers to interface with and can easily adapt to various needs when embedded into your Java application. License GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3) Change Log (2024-02-14) ===================== -- minor bug fixes and improvements; Other packages and releases
  7. Version 6.21.2


    .j-extension h1::after { content: "File format: .tar.gz"; } JasperReports® Library has over 600,000 downloads each month. It’s written entirely in Java. Runs anywhere. And can deliver beautifully rendered reports and other data visualizations from raw data with lightning speed. As versatile as it is, it’s also a surprisingly simple, flexible, and configurable API for developers to interface with and can easily adapt to various needs when embedded into your Java application. License GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3) Change Log ========== -- minor bug fixes and improvements; Other packages and releases
  8. Version 6.21.2


    .j-extension h1::after { content: "File format: .zip"; } JasperReports® Library has over 600,000 downloads each month. It’s written entirely in Java. Runs anywhere. And can deliver beautifully rendered reports and other data visualizations from raw data with lightning speed. As versatile as it is, it’s also a surprisingly simple, flexible, and configurable API for developers to interface with and can easily adapt to various needs when embedded into your Java application. License GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3) Change Log ========== -- minor bug fixes and improvements; Other packages and releases
  9. Lo invitamos a unirse a la presentación en español de nuestro webinar sobre el lanzamiento de Jaspersoft 9.0, para aprender sobre las nuevas características y funcionalidades incluidas en nuestro reciente lanzamiento. En esta sesión se unirá uno de nuestros socios, IT NOVA, y los guiaremos a través de un demo en vivo y sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Para una revisión de alto nivel de las novedades de Jaspersoft 9.0, vea los detalles a continuación. Oradores destacados Eduardo Canche Vasquez Principal Engineer Jaspersoft Giulio Toffoli Sr. Director, Software Engineering Jaspersoft John Ferro Managing Partner IT-NOVA Lucas Madrid Digital Leader IT-NOVA ¿No puede asistir en vivo? Regístrese de todos modos y le enviaremos la grabación del seminario web posterior al evento. Si tiene alguna pregunta para contribuir antes del seminario web, envíela a js-product-team@tibco.com. ¿Novedades de Jaspersoft versión 9.0? Al asistir a este webinar, aprenderá más sobre lo que se incluye en la versión de Jaspersoft 9.0, como: Distribución: Alertas de datos con notificaciones. UI/UX más potente: Desglose detallado, hipervínculos de informes en tableros, cálculos avanzados de fecha y hora, mejoras en la interfaz de usuario. Observabilidad: Rastreo y monitoreo mejorados. Autenticación: Soporte innovador para proveedores de OpenID de OAUth, autenticación de la API de Microsoft Graph en el programador. Procesamiento de datos: Integración de Trino para un procesamiento de datos más rápido y soporte de federación de datos. Seguridad: Fuentes de datos JNDI seguras, actualizaciones de bibliotecas, correcciones de seguridad. Componente Ad Hoc: Separación de los informes Ad Hoc del JasperReports Web Studio. Interfaz de usuario/mejoras en la experiencia del usuario: Arrastrar y soltar campos en el diseñador, editor de expresiones, validación automática de errores, indicaciones de parámetros integradas, exploración y descarga más sencillas, copiar y pegar en el diseñador. Repositorio: JackRabbit como repositorio predeterminado. Marca blanca: Personalice la apariencia de cualquier elemento de la pantalla con CSS personalizado. ¡Esperamos verte allí!
  10. This interactive session allowed participants to engage with our Jaspersoft experts who were eager to tackle the questions and challenges our users face, and provide actionable advice tailored to their specific needs. Webinar Slides
  11. Join us for an enlightening session where we'll explore the extensive capabilities of the Jaspersoft Dashboards. Whether you're a new user eager to get started or an experienced professional looking to maximize your dashboard's potential, this session is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of our dashboard's rich feature set and functionalities. Dive into the intricacies of data visualization, customization options, near real-time analytics, and much more to make data-driven decisions, streamline your workflow, and enhance your project's performance. Remember! You can always vote for your next Dr. Jaspersoft session here. Speakers Badr Draifi Customer Success Manager Jaspersoft Mike Bielkiewicz Sr. Manager, Customer Success Jaspersoft .speaker{min-width:180px;}
  12. Únete a nosotros para una presentación de nuestro webinar de lanzamiento de Jaspersoft 9.0, esta vez en español, para conocer todas las nuevas características y funcionalidades incluidas en nuestra reciente versión que estará estable a largo plazo. En esta sesión en vivo, estaremos acompañados por uno de nuestros socios, Megapractical, y te guiaremos a través de una demostración en vivo y responderemos cualquier pregunta. Para una revisión de alto nivel de las novedades de Jaspersoft 9.0, vea los detalles a continuación. Oradores destacados Eduardo Canche Vasquez Principal Engineer Jaspersoft Giulio Toffoli Sr. Director, Software Engineering Jaspersoft Mario Guerrero CMO, Megapractical ¿No puede asistir en vivo? Regístrese de todos modos y le enviaremos la grabación del seminario web posterior al evento. Si tiene alguna pregunta para contribuir antes del seminario web, envíela a js-product-team@tibco.com. ¿Novedades de Jaspersoft versión 9.0? Asiste a este webinar para aprender más sobre las funcionalidades que incluye, tales como: Distribución: Alertas de datos con notificaciones Interfaz de usuario/mejoras en la experiencia del usuario: Análisis detallado, enlaces de informes en paneles, cálculos de fecha y hora avanzados, mejoras en la interfaz de usuario Observabilidad: Trazabilidad y monitoreo mejorados Autenticación: Soporte listo para usar para proveedores de OAuth OpenID, autenticación de API de Microsoft Graph en el planificador Procesamiento de datos: Integración con Trino para un procesamiento de datos más rápido y soporte de federación de datos Seguridad: Fuentes de datos JNDI seguras, actualizaciones de bibliotecas, correcciones de seguridad Componente Ad Hoc: Desacoplar los informes Ad Hoc del diseñador JasperReports Web Studio Interfaz de usuario/mejoras en la experiencia del usuario: Arrastrar y soltar campos en el diseñador, Editor de expresiones, validación automática de errores, solicitudes de parámetros integradas, navegación y descargas más simples, copiar y pegar en el diseñador Repositorio: JackRabbit como repositorio predeterminado Personalización: Personaliza la apariencia de cualquier elemento de pantalla con CSS personalizado
  13. JasperReports® Server Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
  14. Únase a nuestro equipo de especialistas IT-NOVA y Jaspersoft para conocer acerca de las nuevas e interesantes mejoras en el producto Jaspersoft con el lanzamiento de: Jaspersoft 9.0 / JasperReports IO 4.0 Jaspersoft Studio 9.0 & JasperReports Library 9.0 JasperReports Server 9.0 JasperReports Web Studio 3.0 ¡Te esperamos!
  15. In this session, we explore the three commonly used, out-of-the-box Single Sign-On (SSO) options in JasperReports Web Studio: Google Drive, GitHub, and the JRS Repository. Witness these integrations in action and see how they can revolutionize your approach to accessing resources efficiently. Webinar Slides
  16. We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for you to dive deeper into the topics that matter most to you with our upcoming live webinar session, "Ask the Experts." This interactive session is a chance for you to engage in real-time with experts who are eager to tackle the challenges you face and provide actionable advice tailored to your needs. Whether you have pressing questions or seek clarity on specific issues, our experts are here to guide you through. To make the most out of this session, we invite you to submit your questions in advance. By sharing your queries beforehand, you allow our experts to prepare in-depth responses, ensuring a productive and informative session for all attendees. Please follow this link to submit your questions: https://community.jaspersoft.com/forums/topic/68123-submit-your-questions-for-the-ask-the-experts-webinar/ Host Badr Draifi Customer Success Manager Jaspersoft Speakers .speaker{min-width:180px;} Mike Bielkiewicz Sr. Manager, Customer Success Jaspersoft Mehul Bamania Sr. Customer Success Architect Jaspersoft Raphael Peguet Sr. Solutions Engineer Jaspersoft
  17. The Jaspersoft team has revamped and expanded upon nearly every instance in our Jaspersoft product offering, and they are excited to share the new features and functionality with you. Join us for this live session hosted by our expert product and engineering team to walk you through the details and answer any questions. For a high-level review of what's new in Jaspersoft 9.0, see below. Speakers Abhishek Nishis VP, Software Engineering Jaspersoft Giulio Toffoli Sr. Director, Software Engineering Jaspersoft Anna Leeg User Experience Manager Jaspersoft Can't attend live? Register anyway, and we'll send you the on-demand webinar recording post event. If you have any questions to contribute ahead of the webinar, please send them to js-product-team@tibco.com. What’s new in Jaspersoft 9.0? Highlights include: Distribution: Data alerts with notifications Stronger UI/UX: Drill down, report hyperlinks in dashboards, advanced date time calculations, UI improvements Observability: Enhanced tracing and monitoring Authentication: Out-of-box support for OAuth OpenID providers, Microsoft Graph API authentication in scheduler Data processing: Trino integration for faster data processing and data federation support Security: Secured JNDI data sources, library updates, security fixes Ad Hoc component: Decoupling the Ad Hoc reports from the designer JasperReports Web Studio Stronger UI/UX: Drag & drop fields in Designer, Expression Editor, automatic error validation, built-in parameter prompts, simpler browse and download, copy & paste in Designer Repository: JackRabbit as default repository White labeling: Personalize the look and feel of any screen element with custom css
  18. 2,129 downloads

    Our most popular products - JasperReports® Server, Jaspersoft® Studio, JasperReports® Web Studio, and JasperReports® IO – have been combined into one powerful suite so you can take advantage of the best of Jaspersoft. Organizations see immediate value in accessing more features and functionality, better support, and improved scalability, security and integration capabilities – including protecting your intellectual property from legal risks and liabilities. The Jaspersoft commercial edition includes: JasperReports Server Deliver what you want, when you want JasperReports Server makes it easy to design, distribute and securely manage self-service ad hoc and other reports, dashboards, and visualizations in an easy to use drag-and-drop environment. Whether you need real-time delivery or reports to be sent on a predetermined schedule, this powerful tool can connect to any data source and deliver visualizations in a wide-variety of formats, on request or inside your application. Jaspersoft Studio The industry’s top design environment Jaspersoft Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that can pull from the widest selection of data sources and meet exacting requirements. The design features in the Jaspersoft commercial edition also include Highcharts, maps, and HTML5 visualizations with animation, interactive legends, and navigation through many combinations of aggregate and detailed data levels. Easily customized to support specific business requirements, whatever you create can be re-used and easily published for distribution to the masses via JasperReports IO. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software. JasperReports Web Studio The web-based version of desktop Jaspersoft Studio Produce rich data visualizations, dynamic content, and templates using the open-source library of the entire Jaspersoft suite of products. Securely log in from anywhere and easily connect with myriad data adapters. JasperReports IO Our amazing, embeddable microservice engine Designed for modern cloud and microservices architectures, JasperReports IO is a next-generation reporting engine. Powered by a container-ready, RESTful service that can be leveraged by any developer, users can generate reports and visualizations that are fast, highly interactive, and seamlessly embeddable into modern web applications. JasperReports IO can be easily deployed in a Docker container and a natural fit for DevOps pipelines allowing you to run the same setup in staging as production, update existing versions, and deploy new ones to achieve operational excellence. Additional features and benefits One instance, multiple tenants Specifically designed to serve all your users and customers from a single instance, the Jaspersoft commercial edition makes it much easier to manage distribution and access to reports, dashboards, and other data. And as your business grows and evolves, the Jaspersoft organization-based folder structure provides a fast, flexible way to service the individual requirements of your users and customers . We’re there for you, 24/7 There’s no limit to how often you can contact us. For whatever reason, whenever you need us, we’re ready to help with anything from secure technical support to expert guidance. We offer guaranteed response times and will work to resolve any issue you may be facing in a timely manner. And we even provide extended support for non-current software releases. Protect yourself and your business Increase competitive differentiation, mitigate operational risk, and reduce legal risk and liabilities. Want to know more? Contact us. @media(max-width:767px) { .download-file-desc {margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px;} } /* Text styles */ .download-file-desc .sub-head { font-size:18px; font-weight:600; } .download-file-desc h2 { margin-bottom:0; } /* Remove padding below page title */ .ipsPageHeader { padding-bottom: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0; } /* Remove hr below page title */ .ipsPageHeader hr.ipsHr { display:none; } /* Remove author name & details */ .ipsPageHeader .ipsPageHeader__meta { display:none; } /* Remove "Description" at top of content */ h2.ipsType_sectionHead:first-of-type {display:none;} /* Remove Summary at bottom of content */ h2.ipsType_sectionHead:last-of-type, h2.ipsType_sectionHead:last-of-type + div {display:none;} /* Remove hr border lines at bottom of content */ hr.ipsSpacer_both.ipsSpacer_double { display:none; } /* Download modal window title */ div.ipsPad > h1.ipsType_pageTitle {font-size:28px !important;}
  19. 29,027 downloads

    Jaspersoft® was built on an open source foundation and we continue to embrace that philosophy. Our community edition provides access to our extensive JasperReports® Library and Jaspersoft® Studio so you can download and explore some of the most used features. Written in Java, Jaspersoft is developer grade. Plus, we let you download the real product unlike most software companies. And even provide the source code, so your reports can be truly customized. The Jaspersoft community edition includes: JasperReports Library One of the most popular reporting engines in the world JasperReports Library has over 600,000 downloads each month. It’s written entirely in Java, runs anywhere, and can deliver beautifully rendered reports and other data visualizations from raw data with lightning speed. While versatile as it is, it’s also a surprisingly simple, flexible, and configurable API for developers to interface with and easily adapts to your various needs when embedded into your Java application. License GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3) Jaspersoft Studio The industry’s most robust design environment Jaspersoft Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that meet any requirements and can pull from the widest selection of data sources. Whatever you create can be customized to support specific business requirements, re-used and easily published for distribution. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software. Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.2 is available under a BSD-type license. And there is more An active user community to give or get advice about Jaspersoft No one knows more about how to best use Jaspersoft than our ever-growing community of loyal users. It’s a great place to ask questions, get advice and understand real-world, specific use cases for our product. You can also find helpful how-to guides, access code samples, and discover best practices right here. NOTE: We no longer offer JasperReports Server community edition. If you are interested in embedding or distributing reports and dashboards as well as accessing other advanced features and value-added capabilities, please contact us or take a 30 day trial of our commercial edition. @media(max-width:767px) { .download-file-desc {margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px;} } /* Text styles */ .download-file-desc .sub-head { font-size:18px; font-weight:600; } .download-file-desc h2 { margin-bottom:0; } /* Remove padding below page title */ .ipsPageHeader { padding-bottom: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0; } /* Remove hr below page title */ .ipsPageHeader hr.ipsHr { display:none; } /* Remove author name & details */ .ipsPageHeader .ipsPageHeader__meta { display:none; } /* Remove "Description" at top of content */ h2.ipsType_sectionHead:first-of-type {display:none;} /* Remove Summary at bottom of content */ h2.ipsType_sectionHead:last-of-type, h2.ipsType_sectionHead:last-of-type + div {display:none;} /* Remove hr border lines at bottom of content */ hr.ipsSpacer_both.ipsSpacer_double { display:none; } /* Download modal window title */ div.ipsPad > h1.ipsType_pageTitle {font-size:28px !important;}
  20. Attend our next Dr. Jaspersoft live session to explore the three commonly used and out-of-the-box Single Sign-On (SSO) options in JasperReports Web Studio: Google Drive, GitHub, and the JRS Repository. Witness these integrations in action and see how they can revolutionize your approach to accessing resources efficiently.
  21. Welcome to the Jaspersoft® Studio tutorials archive. Here you will find a list of related tutorials, tips & tricks, and other useful resources. Getting Started with Jaspersoft® Studio The following tutorials explain the basics of how Jaspersoft Studio works. They are highly recommended, especially to new users. What is Jaspersoft Studio? An introduction to Jaspersoft Studio, the new report designer for JasperReports based on Eclipse. Getting Started with Jaspersoft Studio The minimum requirements, how to install it and some compilation information. Designing a Report Create your first report in a few seconds. Report Structure Description of the basic structure of a report: bands, columns and properties. Drag & Drop How the drag & drop works inside Jaspersoft Studio Exporting Reports How to compile and export reports. Measure Units Getting familiar with the different measure units. Additional Tutorials The following will help you explore further and get the most out of Jaspersoft Studio. The Expression Editor: What it is and how it works Illustrates the new Expression Editor introduced in Jaspersoft Studio. The Expression Editor: How to extend it and contribute your own functions Explains how to extend the Expression Editor adding new functions. Using Report Variables Simple tutorial about using report variables. Using Report Parameters Simple tutorial about using report parameters. Using Report Groups Simple tutorial about using report groups. Element Attributes and Styles An overview of how attributes and styles get assigned to JasperReports elements. The Styles Template Learn how to create a style template and how to use it inside a report The Inheritance Tab Using the Inheritance Properties tab to better understand the (real) element attributes. Creating Charts and Subreports Simple tutorial on how to use a multi-series chart and subreport. Creating Charts and Datasets Simple tutorial on how to use the datasets and chart component. Using Subreports A detailed tutorial on how to use subreport elements in Jaspersoft Studio. Using XML Datasources A tutorial on how to use XML datasources and Xpath query language. Using the List component A tutorial on how to use the List component in Jaspersoft Studio. Using Table and Crosstab components A tutorial on using Table and Crosstabs in Jaspersoft Studio. Connect Jaspersoft Studio to JasperReports Server A tutorial on the connection between Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server How to Create and Use a JRDataSource Adapter A tutorial on how to create a custom data adapter and use it into a report. How to Create and Use a JRDataSourceProvider Adapter A tutorial on how to create a custom data source and use it into a report. Creating a Custom Report Template A tutorial on how to create a custom template for the report and use it inside Jaspersoft Studio How to Translate Jaspersoft Studio A tutorial on how to create a translation for the Jaspersoft Studio application How to Install a Jaspersoft Studio Translation A tutorial on how to install and use a previously created Jaspersoft Studio translation How to Publish a Jaspersoft Studio Translation A tutorial on how to publish on the community site a translation previously created Compile with Older JasperReports Version from Jaspersoft Studio A tutorial on how to use a previous version of JasperReports to compile a report Custom Font with the Font Extension A tutorial on how to use the Font Extension for the report and the PDF Exporter The Composite Elements A tutorial on how to create, use and modify the Composite Elements Import Projects and Settings from a Previous Version of Jaspersoft Studio A tutorial on how to easily import Projects, Data Adapters, Server Connections and settings from a different workspace used by an existing Jaspersoft Studio installation. Report Books in Jaspersoft Studio A tutorial on how to get started in JasperReports Books with Jaspersoft Studio. .tutorials h3 {margin-bottom:0;}
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