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  • FAQs on community edition changes - effective January 25, 2024

    Jaspersoft Communications
    • Edited on:
    • Version: v8.2.0 Product: JasperReports® Server

    1. Why did you remove JasperReports Server community edition for free download?

    Jaspersoft is no longer able to support the community edition of JasperReports Server.  However, the product will continue to be available and supported in our Jaspersoft commercial edition. If you would like to try JasperReports Server and experience its robust capabilities first-hand, register for a 30-day trial of our commercial edition.

    With over 600,000 downloads a month, JasperReports Library continues to be available for free download as part of our community edition offering, along with the popular Jaspersoft Studio.


    2. Can I still access older versions of JasperReports Server community edition? 

    We are no longer  hosting downloads of JasperReports Server community edition. 


    3. What if I have questions or need help with using a previously downloaded version of JasperReports Server community edition? 

    The Jaspersoft community website is your resource for questions and best practices regarding Jaspersoft community products. Visit the forum, knowledge base, or documentation sections to access helpful content.

    4. Can I still try JasperReports Server since it is no longer available as a free download?

    Yes, you can download the Jaspersoft commercial edition with a 30-day trial license. 


    5. What is included in the Jaspersoft commercial edition? 

    The Jaspersoft commercial edition includes JaperReports Server, Jaspersoft Studio, JasperReports Web Studio, and JasperReports IO. You also receive additional benefits like multi-tenancy, 24/7 customer support, and additional product features and functionality, not available in the community edition. 


    6. What is included in the free community edition download? 

    JasperReports Library and Jaspersoft Studio comprise our Jaspersoft community edition and is available for free download on our community site.


    7. What license applies to Jaspersoft Studio community edition?

    Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.1 is available under a BSD-type license that is limited to binary code use, as the source code is no longer distributed.


    8. Why did you remove prior versions of Jaspersoft Studio community edition?  

    Based on the license change, we are unable to offer this on Jaspersoft community and open-source sites. The latest version is available for download here

    9. I understand certain usage data will be collected as a condition of my download of the Jaspersoft community edition; what are the details?      
    No usage data will be collected as part of your download of JasperReports Library. Certain usage data is collected as part of your use of Jaspersoft Studio community edition. You can read more about what data is shared here.


    10. Where do I submit questions regarding these changes? 

    You can submit your questions and/or comments through our Contact Us link on https://community.jaspersoft.com/.   



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    downloaded jasperreports-server-9.0.0 community edition on  Windows 11 Home  64-bit operating system, x64-based processor m/c and after installation i am getting following error.

    "There has been an error.No origin file found that matched C:\Jaspersoft\jasperreports-server-9.0.0/buildomatic/keystore.init.properties. The application will exit now".

    Attached the same error in screenshot for reference

    Do i need to setup any additional steps.?

    Screenshot 2024-02-03 185844.png

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    Dear TIBCO decision-makers, Jaspersoft employees, Theodor.

    The decision and measures to pull the plug on the Jasperreports open source world practically overnight came as a surprise. I can't look behind the decisions, I can only guess at the reasons.

    Jasperreports, Jaspersoft Studio, iReport, Jasperserver. A success story of the open source philosophy, which I have been accompanying, supporting and propagated as part of the community for over 15 years.

    Jaspersoft's strengths compared to other BI software vendors are its open-source nature, integrability, and flexibility to switch between free and commercial models as needed.

    Even though it is said that Jasperreports and Jaspersoft Studio will remain open source, I am not sure that the decision-makers at TIBCO are aware of the consequences of their decision, as well as the surprising way in which it is implemented. All the customers I talk to now ask the same question: Is it the right decision to use or continue to use Jasperreports (with or without Jasperreports Server)? Can one rely on it at all?

    I'm really not sure if you're completely aware of the level of loss of trust in Jasperreports, Jaspersoft, and TIBCO that you've caused with your decision? The damage you are doing to the open source world and not least to your own software is significant!

    My feeling is that in the future there will be far fewer customers switching to a commercial license of the Jasperreports server or even dealing with Jasperreports. I also seriously wonder if an expert can still advise this with a clear conscience?

    As someone who has been accompanying, applying and recommending Jasperreports for such a long time, I can only say how sad it is for me to see the life's work of Theodor and his colleagues disappear in this way.

    I would be very surprised if this approach and new situation gives the software the certainly desired boost and flushes the intended finances into TIBCO's coffers. But I keep my fingers crossed and wish the very best!

    A very disappointed, long-time Jasperreports advocate.

    Thomas Zimmer (Germany)




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    @karl.veratschnig Jaspersoft still offers our community edition for free download. This includes JasperReports Library and Jaspersoft Studio, allowing you to design, build, and export highly-formatted, pixel-perfect reports, in an array of file formats. Additionally, if you need a reporting engine to distribute reports, you can you can take a free 30-day trial to Jaspersoft commercial edition which includes: JaperReports Server, JaspersoftⓇ Studio, JasperReports Web Studio, and JasperReports IO.

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    We have now since Tuesday morning tried to get back into Jaspersoft Studio, but cannot log into the system after the update. 

    We might be doing something wrong but have NO idea as how to get it to work after the last update. 
    Whenever we try to log into Jaspersoft Studio after Mondays update we get errors (See attached files)

    We have tried with Java 1.7 and Java 1.8, have tried with Admin account and normal account but without luck 😞 

    Anyone who can guide me to a solution would be appreciated.  

    Login Error Details.png

    Login Error.png

    Login page.png

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    > 7. What license applies to Jaspersoft Studio community edition?

    > Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.1 is available under a BSD-type license that is limited to binary code use, as the source code is no longer distributed.

    Could you add a link to the license?


    Upon launch of the Community Edition version, this EULA has to be accepted: https://community.jaspersoft.com/policies/jss-eula/

    I couldn't find information on commercial usage of the community edition. Can we use the Studio version to create templates for customers or would we need the commercial edition?

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    Well, my company wanted to use PowerBI but it was "too expensive" for the thousands of users we have and I said: "well, you can always use JasperReports, I know it's open source, so if we have an issue, we can just pull the code, recompile and done. Rather to rely on the vendor to get the fix like we have been suffering with Telerik.".

    Now, sadly, it's closed source.

    Goodbye Jasper, it's sad to see you go, I remember you 20 years ago when you were just a PDF render library; then you grew up, you saved me with my deployments in WebSphere, JBoss, WebLogic and many others.

    TIBCO CTO... you just killed Jasper. Rest assured, TIBCO is now in my never-buy-from list, which includes IBM, Atlassian, Red Hat, etc.

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    I can only agree with everything that Thomas Zimmer said.

    I've been using Jasper in multiple companies for almost a decade...

    And now it seems that  Jasper's greatest advantage, being opensource, is gone.. 

    I am incredibly curious what kind of analysis stands behind this decision.. just wow.. 

    Edited by honza.brtek
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    Even though the download for the TIBCO JasperReports Server Product Version: 6.1 community edition has been discontinued, our company is still able to retrieve reports from the server as of today (3/12/2024). Will we continue to be able to use and integrate with this version of the server, or will it eventually cease to function?

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