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  • Connecting to Amazon RDS/Redshift from JasperReports® Server deployed on premises

    • Version: v6.4 Product: JasperReports® Server

    Use case

    In this scenario, the database (either Redshift or one of database types available as Amazon RDS) is deployed in cloud, and TIBCO JasperReports® Server is deployed locally or somewhere outside AWS.

    The steps

    In this scenario you will have to use AWS credentials to connect to Amazon RDS/Redshift. One way to do this is to click on the Generate Credentials link in AWS Data Source dialog:


    And then follow the steps to generate a user with credentials from CloudFormation Template. It should be done within a minute.

    Another way to create the credentials is to log into your AWS console, go to Services -> IAM -> Users, select your user, go to the Security Credentials tab, and generate a new pair by clicking on the 'Create Access Key' button.

    WARNING: keep any active keys safe; if a malicious user gets a hold of the Access Key and the Secret Key, they will have access to the resources deployed on your AWS account and will be able to use them at your expense.

    Once created, copy the Access Key and the Secret Key to the data source fields. After this you can select the required region, find available databases with 'Find My AWS Data Sources' button and connect using your database credentials.

    Other notes

    You may also have to specify your JasperReports Server's public IP address so that AWS data source can create a security rule on AWS for your server to be able to connect to Amazon RDS/Redshift. The IP is specified in the web interface of JasperReports Server under Manage->Server Settings->Cloud Settings:


    See also: Connecting to Amazon RDS/Redshift from JasperReports Server deployed on AWS


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