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  • Ad Hoc Domain Views - Geographic Results by Segment

    • Features: Ad Hoc, Domains Version: v5.1 Product: JasperReports® Server


    A domain is a virtual view of a data source that is created and stored in the server without modifying the source. It allows administrators and power users to present data in business terms, allows for localization, and row or column level data security. Sample Domains are located in our Repository which is accessible by hovering over the view button.


    From the Repository, drill down to Public -> Samples -> Ad Hoc Views folder and select "Geographic Results by Segment" Domain to display the view below.


    Data Analysis using Ad Hoc & Domains

    This sample was designed with Jaspersoft BI Professional or Enterprise edition using JasperReports Server Ad Hoc and Domain designer tools

    Key features to explore:

    • Quickly view or drill into different levels of data using the interactive charting and Dimensional Zoom toolbar on the upper right of the screen
    • Improve your understanding of the data by changing chart types and applying filters
    • Answer new questions by adding custom calculations to your data for on-the-fly insight

    Step 1. Using the Dimensional Zoom slider

    This interactive environment lets users explore their data based on the pre-defined Supermart Domain. The Dimensional Zoom tool is positioned to view the data by total Store Sales, Cost, and Unit Sales across Country and Store Type, filtered by sales greater than 19. When the view is run, it queries the provided sample database and caches the result set in-memory. Subsequent interactions with the data will be run against the cached result set.


    Format the chart labels by selecting the Format Chart located at the upper left of the chart area (just below the Row box). A box will pop up and input 25 to the Rotate X axis label box.


    Further aggregate your view of the data by country by moving the Dimensional Zoom tool left to view the Country level. Finally, move the slider all the way to the left to Totals across Store Sales, Costs, and Unit Sales.


    Step 2. Associate Different Data to your Analysis

    You can drag and drop new data fields to your visualization to associate additional data fields to your analysis. This might improve your insight or reveal new trends or questions related to your data. Expand the Sales-> Products folder within the Fields category and drag Brand to Rows box.


    Step 3. Explore your Data with Interactive Visualizations

    Quickly analyze the performance of your Best, Best Choice and Better brands in four easy steps.

    1. Change the chart type to stacked bar - located to the upper left of the chart area (just under the Rows category)
    2. Right click on the Brand value within the Rows box and select Create Filter
    3. To the right of the page you'll notice the Brand filter box. Lengthen the box size and then multi-select the three brands called Best, Best Choice and Better brands
    4. Slide the Dimensional Zoom toolbar slider all the way to the right to re-draw the visualization


    Step 4. Add Custom Calculations

    The Ad Hoc View shows Store Sales, Unit Sales, and Store Cost totals. Using this data we can calculate Total Profit by adding our own custom calculation. The Ad Hoc editor allows a user to create their own custom fields. To calculate profit using this Ad Hoc View, go to the Measures section on the bottom left of the screen and multi-select the values "Store Sales 2013" and "Store Cost 2013" then right click and select Create Custom Field .... The custom field interface will pop up and offer multiple functions. Select "(Store Sales 2013) - (Store Cost 2013)" and select "Create Field".


    The new custom field will appear in the measures section and will become part of the chart.


    Additional Report Sample Guides

    JasperReports Server comes packaged with a multitude of sample interactive reports, dashboards and analytic views that highlight many key product functionalities. These articles will walk you through through some JasperReports Server's features.










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