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Subreport page header not repeated in master


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Using Jasper 1.2.3, I have a report containing multiple subreports. One of these (within a dummy group header, in order to break up the detail section across pages as described in the documentation) contains a page header. This header prints correctly on the first page of the group, but if the subreport continues onto the next page of the master report its page header DOES NOT print. Is there something additional I have to do to get this to work?
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I did, but it didn't help. However, I moved the report widgets down to the column header in the subreport and that seemed to work. I think there might have been some caching issues too, either in Jasper or iReport or both.




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Hallo together!

I have the same / a similar problem. In the page header I have placed a subreport. On the first page it is printed correctly but on the second page just the static textfields of the subreport are printed - no variables / dynamic textfields...

I Tried a lot for example with "Print Repeated Values", "When No Data Type", "Print When Deteil Overflows" and some more...  But no luck.   =/

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