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Whenever I am creating a report of this error

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Whenever I am creating a report of this error. Be it a simple change like changing the field side and compiling always presents this error.
Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: file_name_04599e37895ab4e3069d40b1076b40920ae51f24fac5f79d7b591336514ea071 (wrong name: file_name)

Has anyone ever experienced this ?

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The error you're encountering, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, suggests that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot find the specified class at runtime. In your case, it's mentioning a class with a name like file_name_04599e37895ab4e3069d40b1076b40920ae51f24fac5f79d7b591336514ea071.

The message "wrong name: file_name" indicates that there might be an issue with the naming conventions for the class or file. Java expects the filename to match the class name (including case sensitivity), and it seems there's a mismatch.

here are some ways to troubleshoot this issue:

Make sure that the class name in your code matches the file name (excluding the file extension). Check for typos or case mismatches.

If your class is part of a package, make sure that the folder structure matches the package structure. The file should be in the correct directory according to its package declaration.

Sometimes, the issue can be due to a corrupted build. Try cleaning your project and then rebuilding it. In many IDEs, you can find options like "Clean" or "Build" to perform these actions.

Ensure that there are no duplicate class files or conflicting versions in your project. If there are multiple versions of the same class in the classpath, it can lead to such errors.

Verify that all the required libraries and dependencies are correctly included in your classpath. Missing dependencies can result in NoClassDefFoundError.

Ensure that your libraries and dependencies are up to date. Outdated libraries might have compatibility issues.

You can go for the new installation of the Japsersoft studio and then switch to the old workspace.

you can also refer this webpage for more idea: https://community.jaspersoft.com/forums/topic/19239-noclassdeffounderror/

I hope this will help you.

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