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Conditional publishing strategy for subreports


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Hello folks,

I have a question about publishing reports with several subreports. Some of these subreports are local files and the other subreports are on the server and use a "repo:/..." expression.

If I want to publish a report, I have to select a publish strategy for all subreports. Is it possible to make the preselected strategy dependent on a condition? I would prefer to configure everything so that the local subreports are set to "Overwrite" by default and "Ignore" is always preselected for the subreports on the server (with "repo:/..." expression). Is this possible in general?

Thank you for the feedback and best regards

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Hi, could you please elaborate more on what are you trying to accomplish, and the reasons behind this requirement? 

Generally, if you want your subreports to have dynamic path, you can use Customer expression (Expression editor) when you select your subreport from your main report. You can then have a dynamic path based on a variable, parameter....This way you'll be able to fix your publishing strategy and you'll make sure that the desired subreport will be picked. 

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