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Error when generating a report in UI


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Newbie to report building.

Using JasperSoft Studio to build the query and report, (v 6.19.1), everything seems fine in JasperSoft, I can add to the query and pull the information back. The report generates fine in the preview mode in JasperSoft too.

Then, when I deploy the report and run it in the Blue Yonder UI I get the following message:

"Jasper Report Exception: An error occurred loading the report template : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Class not found wh
en loading object from file:"

Is there any specific places I can look to find the issue. I believe it is related to compiling the report as I switched to using iReports to compile for a short period, which didn't give me the same error in the UI, but now iReports isn't allowing me to open any of my reports. Again iReports version is very old (v5.2).

I'm not technical but it reads as though the problem is to do with loading an image or maybe the table/lines of the report but it doesn't really give me any more information to work with.


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I will need more details to help you out in this. 

1. What is your Application server? Are you using Tomcat, if so, can you get me its log around the time this error occurred? This is to see what exact error it is throwing? You will find Tomcat's logs folder with logs in the catalina.out file.

2. What is the JasperReports Server version are you using to render this report to Blue Yonder?

3. Apart from Application or Web server log, can you also give me JasperReports Server logs i.e jasperserver.log, around the time this error occurred?  The file should be in the JasperReports Server installation directory i.e. /jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs/ or /jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/

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