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8.1.0 ldap auth

Go to solution Solved by gvtibco,

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I am unsuccessfully trying to authenticate Jasperserver to my ldap server.

I used current jasperserver version 8.1.0, i copied file from samples to /opt/bitnami/jasperreports/WEB-INF/applicationContext-externalAuth-LDAP.xml

Changed logs to in /opt/bitnami/jasperreports/WEB-INF/log4j2.properties to:

# Security Logging


and logs say:

2023-03-26T18:42:01,760  INFO JSLdapContextSource,main:76 -  URL 'ldap://,dc=xxxxx', root DN is 'dc=gut,dc=xxxx'
2023-03-26T18:42:11,045  WARN SecurityConfiguration,ajp-nio- - SECURITY for [iNPUT-VALIDATION] is OFF
2023-03-26T18:42:11,047  WARN SecurityConfiguration,ajp-nio- - SECURITY for [sql-INJECTION] is OFF
2023-03-26T18:42:11,048  WARN SecurityConfiguration,ajp-nio- - SECURITY for [ENCRYPTION] is OFF
2023-03-26T18:42:11,048  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - casSingleSignOutFilter bean was not "dropped into" application context.  Using class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.NullFilter instead.
2023-03-26T18:42:11,049  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - Filter proxy bean nullFilter discovered.
2023-03-26T18:42:11,078  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - proxyPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter bean was not "dropped into" application context.  Using class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.NullFilter instead.
2023-03-26T18:42:11,079  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - proxyAuthenticationProcessingFilter bean was not "dropped into" application context.  Using class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.security.EncryptionAuthenticationProcessingFilter instead.
2023-03-26T18:42:11,080  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - Filter proxy bean proxyBasicProcessingFilter discovered.
2023-03-26T18:42:11,081  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - Filter proxy bean proxyRequestParameterAuthenticationFilter discovered.
2023-03-26T18:42:11,083  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - corsFilter bean was not "dropped into" application context.  Using class org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter instead.
2023-03-26T18:42:11,086  WARN JSDelegatingFilterProxy,ajp-nio- - proxyExceptionTranslationFilter bean was not "dropped into" application context.  Using class org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter instead.
2023-03-26T18:42:49,677  WARN EncryptionAuthenticationProcessingFilter,ajp-nio- - Deprecated username parameter used to obtain it from request! switch to new parameter name.
2023-03-26T18:50:56,595  WARN EncryptionAuthenticationProcessingFilter,ajp-nio- - Deprecated username parameter used to obtain it from request! switch to new parameter name.

i dont know what "Deprecated username parameter used to obtain it from request! switch to new parameter name." could mean.

i attached my applicationContext-externalAuth-LDAP.xml.

could some tell me what i do wrong?





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I did a diff between the file you attached here, and the LDAP Auth sample file for version 8.1, and looks like the sample file you started with is not the correct one. The correct sample file is the one with the word 'LDAP' in its name. Just take that one as a starting point, and give it a try. Be sure to remove the older file before placing the new one in there.  I have attached a snapshot where the file on the left is the correct sample file to use and the one on the right is your file. 

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