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Locale encoding translation problem

Go to solution Solved by filip.banaszek,

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Hey, Im trying to make a translation of labels for Polish locale. So I've made a jasperserver_messages_pl_PL.properties with translated some of the labels and made polish locale available.

The labels changed but I've encountered a problem with character encoding, some of special polish characters are messed up, for example "Zarządzaj" looks like "ZarzÄdzaj"

Thanks in advance!

Found a similar question but cannot find the linked answer:


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Can you try to switch the encoding to UTF-16 to see if you get a better result?


Change the default "UTF-8" . For example:

<bean id="encodingProvider" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.common.util.StaticCharacterEncodingProvider">
<constructor-arg value="UTF-16" />

Hope it helps


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Hey Everyone!

I eliminated this problem using mobilefish.com unicode characters to unicode escape sequences and it worked for me. When you look into other files, especially asian fonts uses the same technique to code characters. I hope if anyone will encounter the same problem will find this fix :)

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