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How to use jrs-rest-java-client-8.0.0?


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The above is a REST client for JasperRepors Server, its documentation is at:
The problem is that I can't find an explanation for how to start, in my case, I've been working with JAVA, JSP, DB2 and JDBC as the main technologies to run reports, but now I'm looking to use JasperReports Server to view the reports, but I can't find a detailed explanation to start, for example, create a project, add dependencies, create a java application, add this, add the other, etc., the main features that should be counted on, are that obviously you can view the reports and The other thing is that users can be modified (mainly their password), I appreciate an explanation about this in advance.

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The Java rest client is a ready to use Java library client to call JasperReports Server JRS Rest API.


All the exposed JRS Rest API are defined here : https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_REST-API-Reference.pdf?id=6


Instead of creating your own java rest client, we provide this library to use inside your Java application to interact with your JRS resources (reports, users, permissions...).


A simple way to start would be to install your JRS and create your users and roles, create reports in Studio, publish them to JRS, then either run those reports from the Server directly or from outside either using the Rest API directly or using the Java library that will handle calling the Rest API for you. 

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bdraifi thanks for the answer, however, my problem is how to start using that client, since I have never used one, I already have reports uploaded to JRS, as a starting point I would like to call and execute a report, in the following image I show that I already have the client placed in NetBeans, but I am presented with 2 things, the first is that it tells me that I am missing dependencies:

Failed to execute goal on project jrs-rest-java-client: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.jaspersoft:jrs-rest-java-client:jar:8.0.0: Failed to collect dependencies at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver:jasperserver -dto:jar:8.0.0: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.jaspersoft.jasperserver:jasperserver-dto:jar:8.0.0: Could not find artifact com.jaspersoft.jasperserver:server:pom:8.0.0 in jaspersoft -clients-snapshots (https://jaspersoft.jfrog.io/jaspersoft/jaspersoft-clients-releases) -> [Help 1]

To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.

The second thing is that after solving the previous problem, what should I do to call the report? for example if I should create a JAVA file and where to place it, and finally what exactly to put in the lines of code to execute the report.

My problem lies in how to start, if I can be clear with that, I can solve the rest on my own.

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