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My jasper server not showing running reports using rest_v2 service


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Hi All,


I am getting values for jasper server like


but i am not geting running reports using below commands.



Do i need to modify anything in server to work those coomand ?please help.


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  • 2 months later...

I have the same issue. I am running a fresh Jasperserver CE in docker (bitnami image). I can interactively log into the server and create a test report that successfully runs. However, using the REST API, whenever I request 


I get an empty response with HTTP status 204 (no content). Other resources, such as login, logout, or 


yield meaningful results. So the REST API works correctly in principle.

Is there some configuration change necessary so that reports can be listed via REST? 

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I am unsure whether this solves your problem, but for my own (see comment above), it was  a matter of wrong expectations combined with a wrong user. I assumed


was supposed to list all reports, but that is not the case.

Similarly, I believe 


only shows the reports that are actually currently executing, not those scheduled to do so. 

Eventually it did work for me after using the correct requests and creating a new user with the role ROLE_USER (see also my answer to my problem at https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1163826/reports-rest-request-yields-empty-response-jasperreport-server)

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