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Import Studio Report from JasperReports Server (JRS) to Jaspersoft Studio Workspace/Project


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I am new to my company. We have several studio reports that have been published to a JasperReports server. I need to import them to a workspace so I can update them. There is one main report with approx 20 subreports. How do I import to my workspace the entire bunch as one project without having to import the .jrxmls one by one?

Also, is there a way to import the project/report using the .zip that is created when you export a report from JRS? We use github and store updated zips there. Would be good to import the most recent version that is stored in git.

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The challenge is that there is not just one person that updates the reports. We use change controls and don't save them right back to the same server we pull them off of (i.e. we have dev, qa, stage and then prod). We don't edit in prod becuase these are reports that we are feeding to our application for dashboards and other interaction. How do either pull the report into my workspace from github OR download it from prod and save it to my workspace? And remember there can be several (20 on one report) subreports.

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