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Duas abas Detail não está mostrando os subs relatórios


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Estou usando dois sub relatórios, em cada um sub estou colocando em uma aba Detail, por exemplo : Aba detail 1 com sub relatório 1 e aba detail 2 com sub relatório 2, dentro dos dois sub relatório tem a aba column header e detail,

Estou usando JrBeanCollectionDataSource múltiplas passando por parâmetros e estou usando também aquele script que configura um novo data source passando os dois parametros de cada lista que vou usar em cada sub relatório.

Mas estou com um problema, quando executo o principal, não aparece dados em nenhuma aba Detail, mas quando passo o sub para aba Page Footer ou Page header o sub relatório aparece no principal, o que pode ser isso ?

Preciso passar uma lista com size de 50, então preciso trabalhar com as abas detail, consigo colocar estes dois subs relatórios em cada aba sem ser a detail para mostrar corretamente no principal ? eu consegui em algum momento colocar

mostrar, mas estava mostrando um item do sub relatório e depois mostrava todos os itens da segunda lista toda, eu até tentei da seguinte maneira, coloquei a aba detail e coloquei os fields no principal msm, e coloquei o sub relatório que faltou na aba page footer, mas o problema é que ela mostra em todas as folhas certo ? pessoal alguma solução para este meu problema ? preciso de ajuda URGENTE ! 


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Perhaps you should try to translate your question to english... when I use GoogleTranslate from your (probably) Portugese to (my) German language it's quite hard to understand what your real problem is, as even in 2019 the automatic google translation isn't really made for such technical content! :-O



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English is preferable for the simple reason that most folk here will speak English if not your first language. But, if you have to, use whatever language you can.

Google Tranlate:


I'm using two sub reports, in each sub I'm putting in a Detail tab, for example: Detail tab 1 with sub report 1 and detail tab 2 with sub report 2, inside the two sub reports has the column header and detail tab,

I am using multiple JrBeanCollectionDataSource passing parameters and I am also using that script that configures a new data source by passing the two parameters of each list that I will use in each subreport.

But I have a problem, when I run the main, no data appears in any Detail tab, but when I pass the sub to Page Footer or Page header tab the subreport appears in the main, what can this be?

I need to pass a list with size 50, so I need to work with the detail tabs, can I put these two subs reports on each tab other than the detail to show correctly in the main? I could at some point put

show, but I was showing one subreport item and then showing all the items in the second whole list, I even tried it as follows, put the detail tab and put the fields in the main msm, and put the missing subreport on the page tab footer, but the problem is that it shows on all sheets right? personal any solution to this my problem? I need URGENT help! 

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my english is terrible, sorry! Finally I was able to solve the problem, the solution was to put a Field in the Detail tab and the sub together, because of Field in detail to iterate, it returned the sub data to the parent report, now I can use countless parameter lists and countless details hehe, again thank you very much guys![/code]


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