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How to reset the input controls


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Hi shanti.kala, 

So first of all you are not making use if custom jsp for input controls ? If you are, there might be an issues in your jsp file. 
Also when you get issues like these, always make use of the developer console in your browser. Most browser already have this tool available. 
Example in chrome, you can just hit F12 to open the console. 
So when you load the page, you would most likely see some javascript or css files not loading or being blocked. 
Try to force reload the page by pressing ctrl+F5. Also you could have a look at the jasperserver log files.  

Ultimatly I think this is some sort of random bug that occurs based on a combitaion of software setup on the system jasper is running on. 
As I am also getting this issues with one of my server setup on my local windows, but the same version server running on someone else system is not giving the issues. 
You could clear the browser cache. I do know this tend to be an issues as well if you access different type of jasperservers in the same browser sessions. 
Could also be something to do with the custom themes, if you have it set. If you are making use of the "overrides_custom.css" file, then there might be an issues in the syntax. 
I have a suspions from my side that either it is security software that is blocking file from time to time, or it is a permissions issues or my hardrive has issues, as there is io expection in the jasperserver logs when this occurs. 
Also might be the database permission not setup correctly. As jasper serverwould load the elements from the databases if not cached in the browser already.

Hope this help. 
Kind Regards


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Hi joseng62,


Thanks a lot for your reply.

We are using custom css in all our custom reports and we are not using any OOTB reports.

While checking in chrome deveoloper tool i am able to Forbidden 403 error.


I am attaching the screenshot for your reference.



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Try changing themes back to default and see if it resolves the issue.

Once you confirm default looks ok we know its a CSS issue.  

I would copy the theme and start deleting chunks of CSS code until you identify the culprit or if you are savvy F12 in your inspection editor, looks like the class control is dynamically set based on the element.


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