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danoldenkampgmail.com's post in Logged In User Paramenter was marked as the answer
Users can have custom attributes such as branch that can be fed into the report.
Your application has user, I wonder if you could feed this as a parameter into the report.
In the meantime:
A simple temp solution would be to set a branch parameter that is not visible with a default setting. Make 3 copies of the report / one for each branch.
Give each a long uniqe random name so each has its own unique URL you could pass out as seperate dashboards.
When you make a change to the report copy it to the other 2 and set the default branch.
(Temp until you figure out how to pass the user or want to setup seperate branch logins)
danoldenkampgmail.com's post in How to convert seconds to hour and minutes? was marked as the answer
Keep it all in seconds so the summing works fine and then just change the formatting to hours / mins.
String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", mySeconds/3600, (mySeconds%3600)/60, (mySeconds%60))
danoldenkampgmail.com's post in Passing date parameters through URL was marked as the answer
Try making a second parameter from the first datetime but make the new parameter a string.
If you only need the date the simplest way is to format as YYYY-MM-DD
You should be able to pass that back into a Date.
danoldenkampgmail.com's post in Anyone else experience Jaspersoft server slow to start after inactivity? was marked as the answer
This was annoying me to no end, but I found a solution.
I tried a number of different solutions, adjusting Tomcat Keep-alives, and setting services to restart, eventually I setteld on a task scheduled power shell that once an hour does an http requeste to keep the site alive.
It was consistently a problem, now it always stays up and is quick to respond.
danoldenkampgmail.com's post in $X parameter not working was marked as the answer
You can use the class:
java.util.ArrayList or java.util.Collection
are you passing the parameter to the element?
Click on the element (let's say a table)
Dataset > Parameters
Make sure the paramater is selected in the expression.
danoldenkampgmail.com's post in How to publish data source on new Jaspersoft Server install was marked as the answer
Answered my own question.
Watch this video if setting up a new SQL Server connection:
Copied the JDBC driver directly onto the tomcat server path and rebooted the server to resolve.
JDBC 6.0 uses the same JDBC 4.1 java libraries.
Copy: sqljdbc41.jar to wherever you Tomcat library files are.
Mine was installed to: