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printing labels

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By: Ariel Pablo Klein - apklein

printing labels

2002-07-18 12:14

I need to print labels in diferent sizes, jasperReport can help me? how? any example?


if not, what java software can I use?






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: printing labels

2002-07-18 23:51




Yes you can.

To figure it how, you have to check the samples

and read the available documentation at least once.


Reports containing labels are not different from

those that you can see in the provided samples.


You only have to see how to use

the JasperReports library and then start

to design your own label reports.


Good luck!





By: Ariel Pablo Klein - apklein

RE: printing labels

2002-07-20 13:41

Hi again and Thanks, now i have my label report ready, but my next question is:


how I can estimate the label page size in pixels? i have to do a fast calculation(by eye) of how many pixels i need for each inch of paper? what about dpi? (i have laser printer).






By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: printing labels

2002-07-21 02:04




You should mesure your label in inches.

Then you calculate the page size and all the

element-positioning values in pixels using

the 72 dpi value, regardless of the resolution

of your printer.


I hope this helps.





By: Alex Parfenov - aparfeno

RE: printing labels

2002-08-03 21:21

I have done it with both Zebras and SATOs. The basic idea is to clone JRPrinterPdf.java and for each printText/printLine/printRectangle/printImage, instead of calling Pdf's output, generate appropriate Sato or Zpl commands. The result is amazing! Presently I am printing fully graphical, overly-rich labels on both types of printers. I can even slap a pie or bar chart on it!

Since newer printers are coming out with various resolutions, I would suggest building-in some sort of X/Y scaling feature.

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