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Barcode text is empty using Barbecue


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I want to show on my Jasper Report one EAN13 barcode WITH numbers. So far the preview in JasperSoft Studio 6.5.1 is working great, I see the barcode and the text under it:


This is the code part of it in my .jrxml:

<componentElement>    <reportElement positionType="FixRelativeToBottom"                   x="0" y="111" width="130" height="30"                   uuid="48d9d636-7e04-43df-9fa2-5c3f6edf27da"/>    <c:barbecue xmlns:c="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/components"                xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/components http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/components.xsd"                type="EAN13" drawText="true"                checksumRequired="false">        <c:codeExpression>            <![CDATA[$F{EAN}]]>        </c:codeExpression>    </c:barbecue></componentElement>[/code]

My problem is, that if I build this .jasper report and deploy is to my Java webapp and print it out into .pdf the text under the barcode is empty or white, but I see there nothing, only the barcode:


What do I need to change to view the text also in the webapp version of the report?

Thank you.

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I tried to make the barcode element bigger, but nothing changed. What do you mean by "Fixing barbeque and replacing it" ? What exactly did you do?

This is my JasperSoft Studio editor view. The barcode elements dimensions are now: width: 140px,  height: 51px 


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