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Jasper Server 6.4 Community and LDAP SSO


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Not sure if there is a use case done for this so far. I mean jasper has a detialed setion on the manual that explains how to setup and auth against ldap and that cover must of what one would expect using ldap. SSO would then need to be handled by either custom code or need to integrate the SSO setup for jasper in some way. 

I mean whats the logic behind it? User sign into application and then in app select reporting, which would need to call jasper server. 
In that case your app should handle the user info and just pass it over to jasper and jasper would be configured with ldap and just pass over the user info to ldap. 
Or in same instance your app connect to ldap and passes over user info to jasper setup as SSO and the credentials match what is in ldap ? 

Or do you want to sign into jasper which is connected to ldap and then when user goes to another application the jasper should pass over the user info. So you need to do a REST api call from your api side to jasper with user credentials and this authentication would occurs that way. 

I guess you just need to figure out the process flow that works best with your current setup. 
I mean the phrase ldap connect and SSO together sounds cool, but at the end of day you just auth once and handle login info to be auth again. No need for user to everytime type in user and password info. 

Hope it help, if not sorry I missed the point, but atleast I am taking the time to try and answer your questions.


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