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Error creating "Functions Library" with Eclipse wizard


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Hello, using Jasper Studio 6.4 and Eclipse Neon (4.6.3), when I try to create a "Function Library" I always got this error:



java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: An error occurred during the functions library creation    at com.jaspersoft.studio.wizards.functions.NewFunctionsLibraryWizard$1.run(NewFunctionsLibraryWizard.java:111)    at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:119)Caused by: org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException: The specified class for ResourceManager (org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceManagerImpl) does not implement org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceManager; Velocity is not initialized correctly.    at org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeInstance.initializeResourceManager(RuntimeInstance.java:725)    at org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeInstance.init(RuntimeInstance.java:263)    at org.apache.velocity.app.VelocityEngine.init(VelocityEngine.java:93)    at com.jaspersoft.studio.utils.VelocityUtils.getConfiguredVelocityEngine(VelocityUtils.java:50)    at com.jaspersoft.studio.wizards.functions.NewFunctionsLibraryWizard$1.run(NewFunctionsLibraryWizard.java:92)    ... 1 more[/code]


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