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Why we need Sub reports and when we need to use it?

Ram Ayanavilli

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Forgive me for my poor English..

This is Naresh, working junior developer in IT company. Recently I faced interview from U.S.A. The Interviewer asked the question what is difference between table coponent and suber report. and when we need to go for sub report and why? I created lot of subreports in my developement. However I didn't give proper answer to him.

And what is the Table component in iReport. I didn't get opertunity to work on that..?


Wolud u any one please clarify my questions.. How I need to prepare for interview on Jasper reports.



Thak You,


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Sub reports provide more layout options (like report headers, groups, more than one detail line, etc, etc), than an embedded table.  Subreports do seem to be slower than embedded tables.

I created a report with 6 embedded tables, and then had to change them all to sub reports, when I didn't like the lack of error handling in the tables.  I wanted a message that read "No detail records found" (when that occurred) and the table could not handle it, but the sub report did.

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