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Date Picker Input Control - Start Week on Sunday not Monday

Go to solution Solved by asimkin,

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Hello All,

I hvae some reports that contain input controls for the date (mostly sales reports). Everything works smoothly with the reports, but some of the people have made complaints that the date picker calendar displays Monday as the first day of the week, when they are more familiar with Sunday as the start day of the week.

Anyt thoughts on where I can change this?



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for relative dates, you can change week start day in WEB-INFclassesrelativedate.properties file.

For other cases, week start day is hard-coded in scripts located in bower_componentsjquery-uiuii18n for each locale:

firstDay: 1

If you modify the scripts, you have to re-optimize them or configure JasperReports Server to use non-optimized scripts:


Hope, this helps




Thanks for your response, I have already tried changing  the relativedate.properites file with no luck.

I found the datepicker file in my optimized scripts folder and changed it manually. SInce that file is already in the optimized folder, is there any need to reoptomize it?


Making the changed and restarting the Tomcat server seemed to change it how i wanted.

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