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  1. asimkin's post in Need to Display values in each pie in HTML5 Pie Chart was marked as the answer   
    try to set plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.distance property to a negative value with 'Use expression' option checked, please check attached printscreen:
    Best regards,
  2. asimkin's post in Create Table Element in jasper Programically was marked as the answer   
    please find attached a sample Java code to create Table component dynamically.
    Hope, this helps you to achieve your requirements
    Best regards,
  3. asimkin's post in Convert Varchar to Float via Domain Calculated Fields was marked as the answer   
    you can specify your custom function in WEB-INFapplicationContext-semanticLayer.xml to convert varchar to float.
    There is str2int function already defined in the file, within "sqlserverGenerator" bean:
    <entry key="str2int">
                        <value>"cast(" + sqlArgs[0] + " as numeric(10,0))"</value>
    You can add your custom one like
    <entry key="str2float">
                        <value>"cast(" + sqlArgs[0] + " as float)"</value>
    then restart the server and use str2float() function in Domain Calculated field
    Best regards,
  4. asimkin's post in How i can insert xml data into table component? was marked as the answer   
    it seems the issue caused by empty datasource of the main report.
    I was able to build a report in Jaspersoft Studio that returns required data, please find attached JRXML file.
    I created XML data adapter using provided XML file, and use it as the main report datasource:
    <queryString language="xPath"><![CDATA[/]]></queryString> The Table component has the following JSDatasource Expression:
    <dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("/addressbook/person/name")]]></dataSourceExpression>[/code]Also, find attached printscreen of the report output.
    Hope, this helps.
    Best regards,
  5. asimkin's post in How to create Reports in Jasper which consume data from REST API in JSON format. was marked as the answer   
    you can find details in the article
  6. asimkin's post in Date Picker Input Control - Start Week on Sunday not Monday was marked as the answer   
    for relative dates, you can change week start day in WEB-INFclassesrelativedate.properties file.
    For other cases, week start day is hard-coded in scripts located in bower_componentsjquery-uiuii18n for each locale:
    firstDay: 1
    If you modify the scripts, you have to re-optimize them or configure JasperReports Server to use non-optimized scripts:
    Hope, this helps
  7. asimkin's post in Cant pass multiple values as input control at jasperserver was marked as the answer   
    I'm not familiar with Apex in details but from what I found out, Apex calls JasperReports server reports using HTTP API like
    If this is the case, to pass multiple values for a parameter, you should include it multiple time in the call:
     Hope this helps
  8. asimkin's post in Generating reports based on ROLES was marked as the answer   
    I think you can simply use LoggedInUserRoles builtin parameter in report query:

    select * from table where  $X{IN, role_name, LoggedInUserRoles}

  9. asimkin's post in How to scale/zoom report embedded through visualize.js was marked as the answer   
    JSFiddle examples below may help you:
    Disable autoresize and resize report manually - http://jsfiddle.net/6c8mu5my/15/
    Fit report to container - http://jsfiddle.net/NesterOne/7ChRr/
    You may need to change URL in the second example.
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