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REPORT_COUNT not counting logically


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I'm using the $V{REPORT_COUNT} function in iReport to generate row numbers per ID, but when an ID has more than one Value it is using the rows to add to the row count giving the current output below.
Current Output
Row Number IDValue


I want the output to be like the below with each row number only incriminating by ID
Print Repeated Values is TRUE
Evaluation Time is NOW
Desired Output
Row Number IDValue
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Here is a resolve for your query.

You Really can't use $V{REPORT_COUNT} as it count all the number of rows in the report and the value cannot be manipulated as this is an inbuilt variable

But a workaround for you would be, that create Report Group Based on ID  and create a variable that just counts ID , set Increment Type to Group --> (ID) and Reset Type is set to Report

This will count the unique ID's 

After this you can move  Rownumber, ID and Value in the Group Header

and put Value in the detail band though the value text field in the detail band will have the Print When Expression: $V{ID_Count} != 1 (This will remove the repetition)

And ofcourse use the variable you created earlier based on the group as the serial number

This will give you exact desired output .

Hope that this works.


Ankur Gupta

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