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Can't see new bookmark/TOC icon in JRS 5.6


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Just upgraded from JRS 3.7 to 5.6.  Saw a demo of some of the new features, including the fact that reports viewed internally now have text search, zoom, and also a table of contents function similar to PDF.  I have reports where I've included hyperlinks with Hyperlink target "Self", Hyperlink type "None", an Anchor Name Expression that is usually the same as the text field value I'm basing my hyperlink off of, and a Bookmark level of 1 (or higher if my reports has more than one group level and I want to build multi-level PDF bookmarks).  Those hyperlinks/bookmarks have worked great for years when I export a report to PDF.  But I want to know how to build the bookmarks so that the table of contents icon shows up in JRS 5.6 and the user can use the bookmarks without exporting to PDF.

I read the section on hyperlinks and bookmarks in the 5.6 documentation for Jaspersoft Studio, but that didn't clear it up for me:  it didn't talk about hyperlink type "None", it had a typo where it left out the words "Local Anchor" in the table where it was trying to explain the different hyperlink types, and none of the documentation I was reading seemed to just clearly say "this is the one that gives you PDF bookmarks and/or the JRS table of contents functionality).  My updated/exported/imported report that already had PDF bookmarks didn't wake up the icon in JRS internal view.  I tried changing the hyperlink from type "None" to type "Local Page" and filling in a Hyperlink Page Expression of $V{PAGE_NUMBER}, but although that didn't break my PDF export bookmark, it still didn't make the TOC icon (which looks like the PDF bookmark icon) appear.

Does anyone know how to create a group header type bookmark so someone viewing the report internally in JRS 5.6 can use the Table of Contents icon and jump right to a specific page where some group starts?

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I already got a response from Teodor himself on this one when I asked it during one of their Webex sessions:  the existing bookmarks work just fine internally as soon as you add the following line to the jrxml (or add a property to the root node):

<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.print.create.bookmarks" value="true"/>

That is going into my standard template, I can tell you! :)


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