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EmptyStackException in OLAP Analysis after Update to JasperServer 5.6


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After updaten my JasperServer 4.5 to 5.6 I encountered a few issues with the OLAP analysis. I can open the analysis just fine, but if I try to expand a dimension in the CUBE settings I get the following exception:

java.util.EmptyStackExceptionat mondrian.util.ArrayStack.peek(ArrayStack.java:67)at mondrian.server.Locus.peek(Locus.java:61)atmondrian.rolap.SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren2(SqlMemberSource.java:949)atmondrian.rolap.SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren(SqlMemberSource.java:876)atmondrian.rolap.SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren(SqlMemberSource.java:849)atmondrian.rolap.SmartMemberReader.readMemberChildren(SmartMemberReader.java:248)atmondrian.rolap.SmartMemberReader.getMemberChildren(SmartMemberReader.java:210)atmondrian.rolap.RolapCubeHierarchy$CacheRolapCubeHierarchyMemberReader.readMemberChildren(RolapCubeHierarchy.java:599)atmondrian.rolap.RolapCubeHierarchy$CacheRolapCubeHierarchyMemberReader.getMemberChildren(RolapCubeHierarchy.java:695)atmondrian.rolap.SmartMemberReader.getMemberChildren(SmartMemberReader.java:176)atmondrian.rolap.RolapSchemaReader.internalGetMemberChildren(RolapSchemaReader.java:186)atmondrian.rolap.RolapSchemaReader.getMemberChildren(RolapSchemaReader.java:168)atmondrian.rolap.RolapSchemaReader.getMemberChildren(RolapSchemaReader.java:162)atmondrian.olap.DelegatingSchemaReader.getMemberChildren(DelegatingSchemaReader.java:78)atcom.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianMemberTree.internalGetChildren(MondrianMemberTree.java:252)atcom.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianMemberTree.getChildren(MondrianMemberTree.java:235)atcom.tonbeller.jpivot.navigator.member.TreeModelAdapter.getChildren(TreeModelAdapter.java:106)...                                             [/code]


I googled the error and found similar problems with Pentaho BI (they use the same OLAP engine an jpivot; they are also the creators of the Mondrian OLAP engine). It seems to be fixed in their system.

Has anybody encountered similar problems in Jasper BI and could provide a solution for this?

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In the Mondrian JavaDoc (http://mondrian.pentaho.com/api/mondrian/olap/SchemaReader.html) I found the following:

If you use a SchemaReader from outside of a mondrian statement, you may get a EmptyStackException indicating that mondrian cannot deduce the current locus (statement context). If you get that error, call withLocus() to create a SchemaReader that automatically provides a locus whenever a call is made.

Could this be the reason for the error? How can I fix this? I couldn't find the source code for the custom Jaspersoft mondrian or jpivor implementations in the subversion repo.



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