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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×

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Thanks for help me yurab.


Currently I have this JasperServer version:

Product Version: 4.7.0

Build: 20120815_1737


But the parameter is ignored or something else, We are using the same report for 2 different databases.


I'm sending the parameters like this...




I'm using a PHP Library and PARAM_XXX is required for this lib. Everything works only the REPORT_CONNECTION it doesn't.


Thanks for your help


Best regards,

Oscar Romero

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Thanks for help me yurab.


Finally I've found a different solution, Is quite strange. I'm sending a DataSourceID parameter...


And In SQL Editor something like this




SET @iDSNumber = $P{DataSourceNumber}


IF @iDSNumber = 1

SET @cDBName = 'Contoso'


SET @cDBName = 'Fabrikam'


EXEC (@cDBName + '.dbo.Procedure ' + '[' + @cCustName + '], ' + @iCountry)

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