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Subreport don't show

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By: Carlos Arturo Quiroga - carlosq

Subreport don't show

2005-10-14 14:24

hello everybody


I making a report wiht a subreport, the is the code:


List coleccion= new ArrayList();


JasperReport3 t1 = new JasperReport3();


URL urlMaster = t1.getClass().getResource("extractoCuentas.jasper");

URL urlSubreport = t1.getClass().getResource("garantiasReport.jasper");


// load the master report

JasperReport masterReport = null;

try {

masterReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(urlMaster);

} catch (JRException e) {




// load subreport

JasperReport subReport = null;

try {

subReport = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(urlSubreport);

} catch (JRException e) {




coleccion = sourceobject.getCollecction();

// report parameters

Map masterParams = new HashMap();

masterParams.put("paramname", "paramvalue");

masterParams.put("PortafolioSubreport", subReport);


JRBeanCollectionDataSource jrDS = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(coleccion);


// fill the master report and expect fill the subreport

JasperPrint masterPrint = null;

try {

masterPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(masterReport, masterParams,jrDS);

} catch (JRException e) {




// show report

try {

JasperViewer.viewReport(masterPrint, true);

} catch (JRException e) {




and the problem is that the subreport don't show and receive the next error:


Error evaluating expression : dataSource_1

Source text : $F{portafolio}



I have a field named portafolio type java.lang.Object that point to a coleccion property.

can anybody tell me, what is the problem, or tell me how can I make a subreport that ready show.



Is urgent for me!

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