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What do I need to buy ?

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Hi ,

We are using AWS jaspersoft AMI (hourly billing) for Jasper-server professional (https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B00B527JQ0#product-details). Now I need to make some customizations to the HTML5 chart reports and have been told that we need iReport professional. My questions are :

  1. How can I make customizations directly to my HTML5 adhoc reports through the browser on jasper-server without any offline report designer ?
  2. Do I need to buy https://www.jaspersoft.com/store/jaspersoft-professional-developer-edition. I believe this gives me iReports profesional and library only as I already have jasper-server ?
  3. If I buy the iReport professional can I make midifications to my existing ad-hoc reports directly by browsing through my server repository on my Ireport console or do I need to recreate the same reports locally and then add them to the server.  
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Ok that was a long question and an interesting one. First things first, answers:

1) The answer on this one is "It depends". Mainly it depends on what changes you want to do. I'm assuming that the question here is for Charts only since you mention HTML5. Adhoc allows you to apply templates to the adhoc reports you create, those templates are designed in Jaspersoft Studio (the new iReport) and deployed to the server. See Jaspersoft Studio User Guide. v5.5, Chapter 7 Report Templates and also you can create your own new Template Generator, additional information about this can be found in JasperReports Server Admin Guide 5.5 section 7.8.4 Ad Hoc Templates and Report Generators.

2) The product you mentioned is for JasperReport Library Developers. What you need is to get your copy of JasperSoft Studio, as an Amazon AWS Hourly customer you have access to free self service support and also some paid support options. From any of these you can access the support portal and get your copy of JasperSoft Studio for AWS. To see the support option or sign up for free self service support for AWS check this page.

3) Yes from JasperSoft Studio or iReport you will be able to browse the Jasper Server repository open and edit adhoc reports. 

Either way i would recommend you to contact Jaspersoft Sales via chat or phone since they will be able to help you further https://www.jaspersoft.com/contact-us  

Remember to check the other online resources:
- http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws
- Jaspersoft for AWS Guide http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jaspersoft-amazon-web-services-aws/v550/installation-and-configuration
- Full product documentation http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation

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You are right I want to modify the charts. The change I want to make is very small, so please dont judge me :).


All I want to do is a cross of single and multi axis graphs :). I have three measures to be shown on the yaxis against date (x axis). I want the scale/s for all these measures to be the same so that users can see comparative data. At the same time I want the tooltip to show all these three measures at the same time for the same date (what multi axis does right now).


I am perfectly fine with a multi-axis graph which just lets me make the scale same for all the measures (dynamically as I myself dont know the upper limit and dont want to have any harcoding).


I believe this should be simple enough :(.


Thanks again for your detailed response.

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