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How do we write conditional query in Ireport query executer


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You can do this by simply using the following:

Suppose there is a parameter called $P{TestParamSQL}, the prompt should be turned off as we are setting the value at runtime checking the value of the $P{TEST_PARAM}. 

Set the default value of the parameter as:

For a single condition 

$P{TEST_PARAM}.equals("test")? " select SQL query": " else SQL select query"[/code]

For a multiple condition 


$P{TEST_PARAM}.equals("test")? " select SQL query": $P{TEST_PARAM}.equals("test1")? " SQL select query": $P{TEST_PARAM}.equals("test2")?" SQL Query": "else SQL Query"[/code]


Now in the iReport Query executor you should give the following expression

Do take care that the dependent parameter $P{TEST_PARAM}. should be set before the $P{TestParamSQL} else would throw a null pointer exception.

Another thing which should be kept in mind is that the query given in the quotes in the expression should be syntactically correct, that is the SQL in as the string should be correct.

Hope that this helps.


Ankur Gupta


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