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How to suppress group and page headers based on a variable or count in the detail band


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I'm trying to complete a report and am running into an issue that I can't seem to find an answer to.  I'm using the "Print When Expression" to suppress certain results in the details section based on a sum of failed results being equal to 0.  ($V{Fail Count} > 0).  This works fine to suppress the results i want to suppress in the detail band.  However, because it is evaluated in the detail band, I'm getting a bunch of pages with just the group header and or page header.  Is there a way to suppress these headers if the details section is suppressed as well?  I'm assuming this has to do with evaluation time (as the cout is tabulated after the headers are displayed).  Any help would be greatly a[ppreciated if this is possible.



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Thanks for the response-


The report does have groups, and keep together is checked, except for in the page header which doesn't have the option.


I'm probably not explaining it well enough. Basically, I just need to have "print when expression" operate the same on all sections of the report. So if the count of failed results is greater than 0, the sections need to print.


The detail section works great in this regard, but the headers still print on the pages that have suppressed data. So the final report has a bunch of pages with no data and just headers. Hopefully I've explained it a little better?



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