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  1. I have the same issue- it's cost me a ton of time as well. I've tried rolling back to ireport 5.1 but Windows 10 doesn't seem to want to launch it. Anyone else have this issue? I prefer to use the ireport 5.1 version because while it isn't technically supported anymore, it's reliable and doesn't seem to need it. Since I've begun using the Jasper Studio 6.2 version, I've encountered nothing but problems doing what should be simple tasks (such as saving reports with sub reports in them).
  2. Hi, I'm trying to figure out if Ireport has a method to calculate Sample Standard deviation. I'm aware of the built in calculation function as ilustrated in the screenshot below. However, this calculation is for Population Standard deviation. Is there a way to get the Sample Standard Deviation? Thanks!
  3. I'm trying to figure out a problem I'm having in a Jasper Ireport and can't seem to get it. I have an integer variable that I want to increment by 1 if a certain condition is met. The condition is: $V{Current Result} > $V{Last Result} ? 1 and if the condition isn't met, I want it to reset to zero. I realize that there is a sum function that you can set that resets on a group change, but I don't want it to reset on the group, only if the above condition isn't met- hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance.
  4. Do you mean change the reset type to "report"? Thanks for the answer, but I'm not sure I understand how to change the variable scope to Report?
  5. I'm trying to figure out a problem I'm having in a Jasper Ireport and can't seem to get it. I have an integer variable that I want to increment by 1 if a certain condition is met. The condition is: $V{Current Result} > $V{Last Result} ? 1 and if the condition isn't met, I want it to reset to zero. I realize that there is a sum function that you can set that resets on a group change, but I don't want it to reset on the group, only if the above condition isn't met- hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, I am trying to figure out an issue with a report (Ireport 5.0) that has been driving me nuts the past few days. I'm hoping it's a simple answer, but can't seem to find anything online about it. In the details of my report, I am using the "print when expression" to print only certain results. This works fine, except that when I check the "Start on new page" in my "Test Name" group, Ireport generates blank pages where all the suppressed data would be. So instead of having a 4 page report, I am getting 26. When I uncheck this, it lists everything together, which of course is fine except that I need the page breaks. Is there anyway to remove the blank pages, or is this som kind of a bug? Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the response- The report does have groups, and keep together is checked, except for in the page header which doesn't have the option. I'm probably not explaining it well enough. Basically, I just need to have "print when expression" operate the same on all sections of the report. So if the count of failed results is greater than 0, the sections need to print. The detail section works great in this regard, but the headers still print on the pages that have suppressed data. So the final report has a bunch of pages with no data and just headers. Hopefully I've explained it a little better? Thanks!
  8. Hi, I'm trying to complete a report and am running into an issue that I can't seem to find an answer to. I'm using the "Print When Expression" to suppress certain results in the details section based on a sum of failed results being equal to 0. ($V{Fail Count} > 0). This works fine to suppress the results i want to suppress in the detail band. However, because it is evaluated in the detail band, I'm getting a bunch of pages with just the group header and or page header. Is there a way to suppress these headers if the details section is suppressed as well? I'm assuming this has to do with evaluation time (as the cout is tabulated after the headers are displayed). Any help would be greatly a[ppreciated if this is possible. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for both responses- I'm pretty new at this still, so to clarify I need to add this code at the query level, which would be the sql code in the Report Query? The Variable I am using to total the occurrences of the testresult field is $V{Result Count}. So I'm assuming the code would be something like Select result_text from Testresult order by $V{Result count} DESC LIMIT 10? Sorry for the confusion, just want to be sure I have the right idea. Thanks!
  10. Hi, I've researched this pretty extensively online, and perhaps I'm just not putting in the correct search phrases or looking in the wrong places. However, I can't seem to find an equivelant to the "TopN" summary function that exists in Crystal Reports in Jasper IReport. I am trying to create a summary at the end of my report of the Top 10 occurances of specific test results. I have a chart in the summary band, but would also like to display these top 10 results in a table summary as well (below the chart, similar to a table of contents from highest to lowest). For example if the letters in the example below represent the possible choices of each test question and are displayed with the Testresult_resulttext field, I would want the report to display all of them except E) as the rest would be in the Top 10 highest results. I hope this makes sense- I have the report code set to Groovy so maybe there is a function that would operate like a "TopN" summary? Example: A) 7 B) 4 C) 6 D) 9 E) 2 F) 5 G) 7 H) 11 I) 10 J) 7 K) 4 Thanks in advance!
  11. Hi, I'm running into an issue when I try to group my timestamp by day. I have a Field: $F{testresult_tetstdate} Field class: (java.sql.timestamp) which I need to break into groups per day. Currently, When I group it by this field, it groups on every individua; timestamp. I've tried using .getdate, and i notice it returns the day, but still groups by timestamp.... The version I'm using is 5.0 So instead of 3 groups, the following selection of timestamps would create just 2 (Aug 26 and 27) Aug 26 2013 17:00:00 Aug 26 2013 17:02:00 Aug 27 2013 14:22:00 This seems like an easy thing to do- in Crystal you could just select “by day”. However, I’ve searched online pretty thoroughly, and can’t find a simple solution- is this just very complicated, or is there a way to do it? Thanks in advance. Thanks in advance!
  12. Thanks for your answer. Yes, I did try blank when null but unfortunately still see the zeros- any other thoughts?
  13. Hi, I'm trying to format my crosstab so that a result of zero will display, but if there is no result entered, it will display as blank. I've figured out how to display nulls and zeros as blank, but i need the zeros to display if that is a result that was entered. I have the table below when I run my report: 07/18/2013 08/05/2013 Result 1: 1 0 Result 2: 1 0 Result 3: 4 0 Total: 6 0 In the above table only the 0 for "Result 2" should show up as a Zero, the other two are null values and should be blank. Anyway to conditionally set this? Thanks!
  14. Hi, I'm trying to link a sub-report that has a crosstab in it's summary band to the main report on a $F{Location_name} field. Currently it is just repeating the crosstab with the same results for the entire dataset, instead of having different data for each location, so I know i'm doing something wrong. The Sub-report is in the Location Name Group footer band of the main report. I created a parameter in the sub report called Location_name and added it as a defined property along with the expression $F{Location_Name} field. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks in advance.
  15. Apologies, I didn't mean to post the comment on your response. Anyhow, thanks for the clarification. I found a workaround that gave me the output needed in excel- it is below. $F{test_name}.equals("Install / Up / Down") ? $F{testresult_resulttext} : $F{test_name}.equals("Order Date") ? new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy").format($F{testresult_resultdate}) : ("")
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