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Hyperlinks, Dashboards, and viewAsDashBoardFrame property


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I understand that Hyperlinks when run from the dashboard can be assigned a property to only refresh the frame containing the report and hyperlink.  This works perfectly for dashboard reports.  Simply adding the following achieves this result:

"viewAsDashboardFrame" ="true"

However when this report is searched out directly from the repository and run directly, if the hyperlink is clicked it opens up in a new window and loses the necessary toolbars for exporting, saving, and printing.  Is it possible to determine the source of the report run and conditionally apply the "viewAsDashboardFrame"  property?

Hyperlink is clicked from within a dashboard frame:

"viewAsDashboardFrame" ="true"

Hyperlink is clicked when the report is opened directly:

"viewAsDashboardFrame" ="false"

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Hi there - 

This is a good question.  I don't have a solution for you, but maybe consider leveraging the frame id (&fid) for the report in the Dashboard.  If you can find the frame id, it might just work.  It is not a documented feature, so it is unclear whether it works or not.  To find the frame id, try exporting the dashboard and then scanning the code for the frame names.  Once you have the frame id, you may be able to apply the three-way operator (in some creative way) to switch from true to false, or vice versa.  Here's the format (maybe) for referencing the frame: '&fid=contentFrame_' + frameName;

By the way, use the following to get to the available export options: js-export.bat --help.   


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