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Everything posted by Ryan.Wright

  1. We are currently in the process of upgrading from JasperServer 5.6.2 to 6.2.1. A question has come up with regards to the new Dashboards contained in that new version. In 5.6.2, after you had completed development of a dashboard you could go into design mode, set your input controls to be whatever you want and then save the dashboard. When the dashboard was run, those default values would remain and be utilized by the dashboard. In 6.2.1, we cannot figure out how to replicate this behavior. In design mode, there doesn't be any way to interact with the input control to set a default value. Our next thought was to go into Display mode, select them to be what is needed and save the dashboard from there. When the dashboard is rendered, the input controls do not retain the saved values. We suspect that you could always go into each individual report being utilzed by the dashboard and set a default value there. Once the report is pushed up to the server, those default values might be picked up and utilized. However, this is not a very feasible solution. Our organization has some strict guidelines on what can be pushed into a production environment. A simple change of an input control on each individual report would now require testing on a QA and UAT environments before it could be promoted to Production. This would be to ensure that an invalid value wasn't inadvertantly set and cause an error state in production. So to reiterate, in JasperServer 6.2.1, how can you set a default value on an input control for a completed dashboard, without pushing from the individual reports? Thanks
  2. I created a variable to hold my plotLines function like this: <variable name="vPlotLines" class="java.lang.String" resetType="Group" resetGroup="grpIteration"><variableExpression><![CDATA["(function(){return [{value: 10,width: 1,color: 'red',dashStyle: 'solid',label: {style: {color: 'red'},text: 'label',align: 'left',y: -15,x: 0,verticalAlign: 'bottom',rotation: 0},zIndex: 9}"]]></variableExpression> Then simply added an advanced property into the chart: <hc:chartProperty name="yAxis.plotLines"><hc:propertyExpression><![CDATA[$V{vPlotLines}]]></hc:propertyExpression></hc:chartProperty> That did the trick for me. Thanks to emistry above, btw.
  3. Has anyone figured out if it's possible to added different dashboard resoultions to the dasboard designer? We are currently developing dashboards that are going to run on large 50 inch screens and find it difficult to work with just the existing dashboard guides available in the designer. This is on a JasperServer 5.6 installation.
  4. I would very much like to understand how to do this as well. The new dashboard architecture doesn't seem to support this functionality anymore. How do we extend our dashboard usage by click a panel and refreshing a different panel, or drilling down into the detail.
  5. Has anyone had any luck with adding a plotLine to an HTML5 chart? I'm trying to replicate functionality as shown in this example: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.7.2/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/stock/xaxis/plotlines/ Whenever I add this and run it in JasperStudio, I just get an error: org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot find function concat in object [object Object]. (com/jaspersoft/jasperreports/highcharts/charts/render/scripts/highcharts-3.0.7.bbox.js#8481) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I understand that Hyperlinks when run from the dashboard can be assigned a property to only refresh the frame containing the report and hyperlink. This works perfectly for dashboard reports. Simply adding the following achieves this result: "viewAsDashboardFrame" ="true" However when this report is searched out directly from the repository and run directly, if the hyperlink is clicked it opens up in a new window and loses the necessary toolbars for exporting, saving, and printing. Is it possible to determine the source of the report run and conditionally apply the "viewAsDashboardFrame" property? Hyperlink is clicked from within a dashboard frame: "viewAsDashboardFrame" ="true" Hyperlink is clicked when the report is opened directly: "viewAsDashboardFrame" ="false"
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