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Jasperreports-Mysql Build.xml Error

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By: Shikha Meena - shikhameena

Jasperreports-Mysql Build.xml Error

2005-05-27 02:03



I am trying to run the Jasperreports-Mysql. But when target compile-reports is executed, I am encountering the following error :-


C:jasperreports-mysqljasperreports-mysql>ant compile-reports

Buildfile: build.xml





file:C:/jasperreports-mysql/jasperreports-mysql/build.xml:74: No supported regular expression matcher found


Any ideas why is this happening?



Thanks in advance,







By: Todd Viegut - viegs

RE: Jasperreports-Mysql Build.xml Error

2005-05-27 19:55

Hi Shikha,


If you could provide the ant target associated with the error at line 74...or offer a bit more detail it would help in trouble-shooting. If you get a chance to do that we may be able to offer some suggestions.


Warm Regards,






By: Shikha Meena - shikhameena

RE: Jasperreports-Mysql Build.xml Error

2005-05-31 01:51

Hi ,


In the build.xml of jasperreports-mysql, The ant target "compile-reports" is giving error


file:C:/jasperreports-mysql/jasperreports-mysql/build.xml:74: No supported regular expression matcher found



70--- <target name="compile-reports">

71-- <taskdef name="jrc" classname="net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask">

72-- <classpath refid="classpath"/>

73 -- </taskdef>


74 -- <jrc destdir="${build.home}/reports"> Hi Todd,


In the build.xml of jasperreports-mysql, The ant target "compile-reports" is giving error


file:C:/jasperreports-mysql/jasperreports-mysql/build.xml:74: No supported regular expression matcher found


Line No.

70--- <target name="compile-reports">

71-- <taskdef name="jrc" classname="net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask">

72-- <classpath refid="classpath"/>

73 -- </taskdef>

<============> Error comes from this line

74 -- <jrc destdir="${build.home}/reports">


75 -- <src>

76 -- <fileset dir="web/reports">

77 -- <include name="**/*.jrxml"/>

78 -- </fileset>

79 -- </src>

80 -- <classpath refid="classpath"/>

81-- </jrc>

82 -- </target>


I have had a look over the net, why this "No supported regular expression matcher found" error is raised. What i have found is that it requires jakarta-regexp.jar in the classpath. But even if i had jakarta-regexp.jar to the classpath this error is still coming. I guess it requires some other jar files in the classpath.


I hope this helps.



Thanks & Regards,



Following is the Build.xml file of jasperreports-mysql



<project name="jasper-mysql" default="static" basedir=".">


<property name="build.home" value="build"/>

<property name="dist.home" value="dist"/>

<property name="source.home" value="src/net/sf/jasperreports/mysql"/>

<property name="lib.home" value="lib"/>

<property name="version" value="1.0-dev"/>


<path id="classpath">

<pathelement location="${build.home}/classes" />

<fileset dir="${lib.home}">

<include name="**/*.jar"/>




<target name="init" description="Initialization">

<uptodate property="NoNeedFor.javadoc"

targetfile="${dist.home}/docs/api/index.html" >

<srcfiles dir="${source.home}" includes="**/*.java"/>




<target name="prepare" depends="init" description="Prepare build directories">

<mkdir dir="${build.home}"/>

<mkdir dir="${build.home}/classes"/>

<mkdir dir="${build.home}/reports"/>

<mkdir dir="${build.home}/lib"/>

<mkdir dir="${build.home}/conf"/>

<mkdir dir="${build.home}/webapp"/>

<mkdir dir="${dist.home}"/>

<mkdir dir="${dist.home}/docs"/>

<mkdir dir="${dist.home}/docs/api"/>



<target name="all" description="Clean then compile everything" depends="clean,dist"/>


<target name="clean" description="Clean build and distribution directories">

<delete dir="${build.home}"/>

<delete dir="${dist.home}"/>

<delete file="jasper-mysql-${version}.tar.gz"/>

<delete dir="jasper-mysql-1.0-dev"/>


<fileset dir="${source.home}">

<include name="*.class"/>


<fileset dir="web/reports">

<include name="*.jasper"/>





<target name="static" depends="compile"

description="Copy static files to build directory">


<copy todir="${build.home}/conf" filtering="on">

<fileset dir="conf" includes="*.MF"/>


<copy todir="${build.home}/classes">

<!-- Don't forget the message strings! -->

<fileset dir="${source.home}" includes="**/*.properties"/>




<target name="compile" depends="prepare" description="Compile server components">

<javac srcdir="src" destdir="${build.home}/classes">

<classpath refid="classpath"/>




<target name="compile-reports">

<taskdef name="jrc" classname="net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask">

<classpath refid="classpath"/>


<jrc destdir="${build.home}/reports">


<fileset dir="web/reports">

<include name="**/*.jrxml"/>



<classpath refid="classpath"/>




<target name="webapp" depends="compile,compile-reports" description="Prepares the web application">

<copy todir="${build.home}/webapp">

<fileset dir="web">

<exclude name="**/*.jasper"/>

<exclude name="**/*.jrxml"/>



<copy todir="${build.home}/webapp/reports">

<fileset dir="${build.home}/reports"/>


<copy todir="${build.home}/webapp/WEB-INF/classes">

<fileset dir="${build.home}/classes">

<include name="net/sf/jasperreports/mysql/web/**/*.*"/>

<include name="net/sf/jasperreports/mysql/reports/**/*.*"/>

<include name="net/sf/jasperreports/renderers/**/*.*"/>



<copy todir="${build.home}/webapp/WEB-INF/lib">

<fileset dir="${lib.home}">

<include name="jasperreports*.jar"/>

<include name="itext*.jar"/>

<include name="poi*.jar"/>

<include name="jcommon*.jar"/>

<include name="jfreechart*.jar"/>



<copy file="conf/web.xml" todir="${build.home}/webapp/WEB-INF"/>



<target name="war" depends="webapp">

<war warfile="${dist.home}/jasper-mysql.war" webxml="${build.home}/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml">

<fileset dir="${build.home}/webapp">

<include name="**/*.*"/>

<exclude name="**/WEB-INF/classes/**/*.class"/>

<exclude name="**/WEB-INF/lib/**/*.jar"/>


<classes dir="${build.home}/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/">

<include name="**/*.class" />


<lib dir="${build.home}/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/">

<include name="*.jar" />





<target name="javadoc" depends="static" unless="NoNeedFor.javadoc"

description="Create component Javadoc documentation">

<javadoc destdir="${dist.home}/docs/api"






windowtitle="JasperReports DBA Dashboard for MySQL">

<fileset dir="${source.home}" casesensitive="yes">

<include name="**/*.java"/>


<classpath refid="classpath"/>




<target name="dist" depends="static,war"

description="Create binary distribution">

<mkdir dir="${dist.home}"/>

<unjar src="lib/mysql-connector-java-3.1.7-bin.jar" dest="${build.home}/classes"/>

<delete dir="${build.home}/classes/.metadata"/>

<delete dir="${build.home}/classes/META-INF"/>

<delete file="${build.home}/class/README"/>

<delete file="${build.home}/class/COPYING"/>

<jar jarfile="${dist.home}/jasper-mysql.jar" basedir="${build.home}/classes" manifest="${build.home}/conf/MANIFEST.MF"/>




<target name="release" depends="dist"

description="Create a release tar.gz">

<mkdir dir="${dist.home}/release"/>

<copy todir="${dist.home}/release">

<fileset dir="dist" includes="jasper-mysql.jar"/>


<copy todir="${dist.home}/release">

<fileset dir="." includes="configure.xml.sample"/>


<copy todir="${dist.home}/release">

<fileset dir="." includes="README"/>


<copy todir="${dist.home}/release">

<fileset dir="." includes="reports.rtf"/>


<tar destfile="jasper-mysql-${version}.tar" basedir="${dist.home}/release"/>

<gzip destfile="jasper-mysql-${version}.tar.gz" src="jasper-mysql-${version}.tar"/>

<delete file="jasper-mysql-${version}.tar"/>



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Did you ever got this fixed?


I am having the same problem with my project and cannot find anything on how to fix it from the web.

My build.xml is very similar to yours.


the relevant target is;


Compiles the .jrxml reports in the report directory

to a .jasper report file in the same directory.


<target name="compileReport" depends="build">



JasperReport Task Definition.


<taskdef name="jasperReportCompile"



<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">

<include name="**/*.jar"/>













<fileset dir="${report.src.dir}">

<include name="**/*.jrxml"/>



<classpath refid="project.classPath"/>







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