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Jasperserver Pro on AWS 'VPC ID does not exist'


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I get the following error when trying to create a data source connecting to an RDS Database (MYSQL) 


Connection failed: Exception occurred during AWS data source recovery: /organizations/organization_1/datasources/databasename. The vpc ID 'vpc-050xxxxxx' does not exist


The instance was created with the cloud formation stack as recommended


Can anyone show me where I am going wrong?







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Hi Pete - I don't have quite enough information to help you troubleshoot, so I'll start with a few helpful links in case you haven't found them already. If the problem persists, please write back with the details of your data source type. Omit things like your password, of course. 

Connect to AWS Data Sources wiki article and connection best practices video: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/connect

FAQ: Can I connect to on-premise databases?http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-bi-aws-frequently-asked-questions#Can_I_connect_to_on-premise_databases

Good luck,

Mary Flynn


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Hi Mary - I had read the wiki & watched the best practices video but thanks for the note,

The Jaspersoft instance was loaded using the cloud formation stack as recommended in the launch video and the database created in the same account

RDS database is MYSQL

Data Source in Jaspersoft is of type 'AWS Data Source'

The  AWS Settings are 'Use EC2 Credentials'

The database is listed in the AWS DataSource under Amazon RDS

The database driver is 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'

when I try to test the connection I get the' VPC ID does not exist error'.


Pete Morys


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Hi Pete


By your error i can say - your database is inside of VPC.


If you use CloudFormation to create JRS instance - then JRS working outside of database VPC.


When you are creating AWS Datasource JRS attempt to setup security between JRS instance and your Database in VPC

which is not very trivial ....


in your case i can suggest 2 solutions:


1. Setup VPC security manualy so your database will be reachable from JRS instance, if you succeed - disable AWS JRS Automatic security setup/recovery in Manage -> Server settings -> AWS Settings ->Enable AWS Security Group Changes, but keep in mind if you stop JRS instance and then start it again - instance will change Public/Internal IPs, so your VPC Security may need be manualy updated after each JRS stop/start sequence - depend on Security setup approach.


2. Terminate old instance if you can and Start new AWS JRS instance manualy using EC2 console inside of same VPC as database, to accomplish this task please consult  "Jaspersoft for AWS USER Guide" (http://community-static.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jaspersoft_for_aws_user_guide.pdf), it`s not very current in screenshots because AWS update their UI, but workflow and settings are correct.


if you still will have problems - please share your Database info like Network setup, VPC Setup, Availability of Public/Private IPs, etc ...

without some info we cannot help you.



P.S. If you cannot terminate old instance and create new because you already have some work there already, you can try to create AMI from it, and use it for creation in VPC.

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  • 4 months later...

Good evening,

I just installed Jasper, I had also the database in RDS (MYSQL) created, and I had not way to connect both instances to work together.


I have no idea what I did wrong, .... 


@Ogavaka, when you say "By your error i can say - your database is inside of VPC.", I assume I can create a RDS MYSQL DB outside the VPC.... but how? I am deploying the application in AWS Sao Paulo.....

I tried the second option installing Jasper through the console.... not luck...


DO you have some troubleshooting guide for this issue? I do not get to make it work....


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