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Input Controls are not rendering in hyperlink target reports in 5.x versions of jasperserver

Go to solution Solved by dhoppmann,

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I have reports developed from 4.5.0, and have migrated them to 5.0 (or 5.1), and the input controls do not render in the hyperlink-targeted reports consistently. I'm not sure what's causing the problem here. I thought it was a bug in 5.0 so I put it off, but it wasn't addressed in 5.1 and I can't seem to find other people with the same problems, so it must be something I'm doing but I can't determine what it is. 

Here is a screencast showing what is happening:


Here's another with input control not forcing to always prompt:


Here is the url at the report initially:


Here is the url at the report after clicking the link back to itself:


Attached is a stripped jrxml file I used. 

Here's an error message I'm receiving from catalina.out:

2013-06-03 14:07:04,460  WARN BaseReportExecutionHyperlinkProducerFactory,http-8080-6:173 - Unknown hyperlink parameter type class java.lang.Object
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