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AWS Jaspersoft Server doesn't show AWS data source

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I just started an AWS Jaspersoft virtual server (v 4.2.1) and tried to set up a few test reports... But the "data source -> New data source" screen only shows 3 data posible sources: Bean, JDBC and JNDI, and I should use an AWS Data Source. Do I have to configure anything in the server, even though the interface is kind of a "click and go" Wizard ?


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The AWS Data Source is available in commercial version 5.0.3, of JasperReports Server.  As of today, that version can be launched via the AWS Marketplace only:

In earlier versions, you must use the standard JDBC data source and configure AWS security yourself.

We will be releasing the AWS Data Source feature more broadly in the 5.1 commercial release of JasperReports Server, in the next 1-2 months.  Then, you will be able to use it from stand-alone (non AWS Marketplace) machines.

It will also be in the next Community release (I'm not sure about the timing of next community release).




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Thanks Veronica. When I set up the machine and JasperSoft in AWS it came with the version 4.5 already built-in. I will see how to get the 5.0.3 version, get it up and running and come back to you with my conclusions.
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  • 3 weeks later...
It looks like you are using an earlier community version AMI. The AWS Data Dource is available only on the commercial AMI at the moment (posted on AWS Marketplace). You have to follow the steps outlined in the above link to launch it correctly.
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