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How To Configure JasperReports 5.0 to use LDAP


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I am trying to configure JasperReports 5.0 to use Microsoft Active Directory / LDAP.

But so far had no success. I don't get any errors in the log file, just a message on the screen "Invalid credentials supplied. Could not login to JasperReports Server." when I try to login with my network ID

The only examples I have found is for previous versions of JasperReports which was using Acegi framework and 5.0 is using Springs framework.

Does anyone knows what am I doing wrong?


Thank you.

I am including my applicationContext-security.xml file


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Thank you for your help, but I am still stuggling.

Here's my jasperserver.log file

I am not sure what this means!


2013-03-15 10:32:09,669  INFO DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource,Thread-1:56 -  URL 'ldap://mydomain.com:389/dc=mydomain,dc=users,dc=com', root DN is 'dc=mydomain,dc=users,dc=com'
2013-03-15 10:32:09,669  INFO DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource,Thread-1:56 -  URL 'ldap://mydomain.com:389/dc=mydomain,dc=users,dc=com', root DN is 'dc=mydomain,dc=users,dc=com'
2013-03-15 10:32:09,731  INFO DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator,Thread-1:242 - groupSearchBase is empty. Searches will be performed from the context source base
2013-03-15 10:32:09,731  INFO DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator,Thread-1:242 - groupSearchBase is empty. Searches will be performed from the context source base
2013-03-15 10:32:29,532 DEBUG FilterBasedLdapUserSearch,http-8090-2:109 - Searching for user 'someuser', with user search [ searchFilter: '(&(sAMAccountName={0})(&((objectclass=user))))', searchBase: 'OU=users', scope: subtree, searchTimeLimit: 0, derefLinkFlag: true ]
2013-03-15 10:32:29,532 DEBUG FilterBasedLdapUserSearch,http-8090-2:109 - Searching for user 'someuser', with user search [ searchFilter: '(&(sAMAccountName={0})(&((objectclass=user))))', searchBase: 'OU=users', scope: subtree, searchTimeLimit: 0, derefLinkFlag: true ]
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I appreciate all of you help I really do, and I know it really hard to help someone if they are no providing enough info, kind of like "my car does not work - fix it", but you are telling me is "if you fix your car correctly it will run".


I do not know what values are not correct, there are no error messages or log messages that tell me something is wrong, I do not know what to change, that's why I am here, because I need help. I know I have wrong values, but I don't know which ones are wrong or what they should be.

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The LDIF file (LDAP Data Interchange Format) is a file you should be able to get from your LDAP set up. Look up the documentation for the LDAP you are using. The LDIF file contains information about your LDAP setup that is needed to configure your JasperReports Server.
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