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Drill crosstab detailes in iReport

Go to solution Solved by ajinkya_c,

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I have a crosstab made by iReport, I want to click on a measured value and drilled into the detailed information that is summarized in this value. So far, I could not find any solution for it. I am just wondering if it is possible. If so, would you please help me in this issue?


Thanks in-advanced for any help!

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You can try this:

1. Open a crosstab in iReport then select field from where you want to drilldown.

2. Right click, Apply hyperlink, send all parameters to another drilled report.

3. send row group parameter as $V{parameter name} so that the actual value of that filed passed to drilled report 

4. drilled report takes parameters from main report you will get drilled detail information.

I did such report where click on crosstab value & bifugation of that value got in detailed drilled report.

reply if not works.

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Thanks for your quick reply. 

The field I want to drilldown is a measured filed and it is shown the number of company id. maybe this link (http://screencast.com/t/X7qfaSp48v) make it more clear. I want when I am clicking on this number, the drilled form show me the list of company id that used to create this summerize field. Actually, it is not list of ids not one value.

So, I donot have $V{company_id} in this crosstab instead I have $V{company_idMeasure}.

I hope the descripsion is clear enough.


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Your  $V{company_idMeasure} value in crosstab caluculate based on may be some input controls or by grouping of row group values & column group values, so if you click on that value then bi-furgation of that value open in new report with another parameters.

e.g. I click on value 18 then bi-furgation across quarter like Q1=3, Q2=6, Q3=0, Q4=9 should shown in my detail report.

What i do here is send all parameters which are needed to drilled report as $P{} and $V{Stage_id}, $V{date} as variable which send the parameters on which i click. (Suppose I click on 18  then $V{stage_id}=null &  $V{date}=2012-45 & $P{}=Global) So the detailed reports gets thse parameters as input controls. for that you need to make appropriate query in detailed report.

 You can achieve this may be some other better logic this is what I did.

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Thanks, I also think that this is the only way. I couldnot find more sufficient way.

But the problem is that for example $V{date}=2012-45  shows the date on week=45 and year=2012, so it is not very easy to extract week on the Database and search based on it (I guess).

The solution should be like this: week=45 and year=2012 is between 04-11-2012 and 10-11-2012, but how ?

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