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Reports are output but text is missing


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We're experiencing a weird problem with the JasperReports engine.

We've just done an upgrade of our software which includes the 4.5.1 Jasper Report engine. The version of Jasper we're using has not changed for some time.

With the new version of our software, the reports are generated, and the detail lines contain the correct number of lines, but the actual text fields in the report are blank.

Trouble is, this is only happening on our customer's platform which is Solaris. We've tried the exact same software on a virtualised Solaris machine in-house and it works fine.

We've analysed the XML of the jprint output object produced and the text fields have a text height of zero in the incorrectly generated output.

The JRXML source of these reports has not changed since June, and the customer has had several other upgrades since then which have all been fine.

We have 'downgraded' the customer back to the previous version of our software and it is working fine again. Just wish we knew where to look as nothing major has changed in the reporting area of our software for some time.


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I have never seen this as an issue before.  There are a few things that I would recommend...

  1. Check the JVM that your customer is running as compared to your environment - it seems like there is some calculation that is not happening correctly which could point to an old JVM issue of some sort (unlikely, but I am only guessing)
  2. If you are using the JasperReports Library, the other thing you might check is to see if compiling the .jrxml file to a .jasper file with the latest version fixes it.  (Thinking that maybe there is some change in the JRXML schema since the older version you were using before) 
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We upgraded the server again, restarted it and the reports started working correctly. Still interested as to why this would have happened though.

ENVIRONMENT: The engine is embedded in an OSGi bundle, which is loaded into a Felix OSGi platform, running with Karaf.

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