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  1. I'm having a similar problem and created a question here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/818637/some-text-missing-reports-after-jasperreports-version-upgrade
  2. I recently attempted to upgrade from JasperReport 4.0.1 to 5.1.0. At this time I also added a maven task to automatically compile the reports, as we had been doing that manually before. The reports jrxml did not change (except a bunch of uuid attributes were added to elements). I'm using JasperReports directly in a webapp, I'm not using JasperServer. The reports are created in iReports, but often the jrxml is tweaked by hand. Many of the reports worked perfectly fine after the update. But a couple reports would not show some of the text. On my local dev machine, all text was output correctly. But on the production server, some of the text would show and other text would not. After removing all of the uuid attributes (hint: sed 's/(.*) uuid="[^"]*"(.*)/12/' ) and downgrading back to 4.0.1, the reports once again work on both my dev system and in production. I attempted to see if there was any differences in the text fields in an attempt to determine why some would show and other would not. I had long ago already converted all fonts to SanSerif from DejaVu, but I confirmed again that only SanSerif was in use. I couldn't find anything really different between the fields that would show up and the fields that would not in the jrxml. My dev machine is Mac OSX 10.7.5 and this java version "1.6.0_51" The server is an older Ubuntu distro (not sure which release, but probably 2 or 3 years old) and has the following Java version: I found this question that very well might be related to the issue I'm experiencing: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/800262/reports-are-output-text-missing UPDATE: I've determined that the problem was not present in version 4.7.1 or earlier, but does exist in 4.8.0 and later. Something changed between these two versions that is causing text to not show up in my reports. At this time, I've upgraded prod to be using 4.7.1, but I'd like to bring it current to 5.2.0. I have verified that my reports work successfully on the following versions: 4.0.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7.1I have verified that my reports DO NOT work properly on the following versions: 4.8, 5.1.0, 5.2.0 I added the following to the problem reports, and it was present during my tests of all the above versions: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font" value="true"/>[/code] Any ideas why this would work on my development machine, but not on production? Could Jasper be attempting to use a graphics device which isn't configured on the server? Here is the changelog for version 4.8. I've bolded the enhancement that I suspect might be causing the problem: http://sourceforge.net/p/jasperreports/news/2012/11/jasperreports-480-released/ I posted a bug report here:http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/3158-0
  3. I found a recent version: http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/net/sf/jasperreports/jasperreports/4.0.1/ Glad to see it is in the central repo!
  4. I see that version 4.0.2 is the latest release, but http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/maven2/jasperreports/jasperreports/ only goes up to 3.7.2 and the central repo stops at 3.5.3. Is there a new repo I should be using, or is 3.7.2 the latest version I can get via maven?
  5. Does anyone know of any datasource implementations (preferably open source) that would enable me to use a RESTful API that serves JSON data as my datasource? If not, any pointers on a good approach to building such a thing? Thanks, Tauren
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