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By: Samanth Athrey - samanth_athrey

Filling Error

2002-04-05 23:16



Am using SQL server and when am trying to create the jsprint file i get the following exception



[java] java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 1

[java] at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1473)

[java] at FirstJasper.evaluateEstimated(FirstJasper.java:518)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JRCalculator.evaluateEstimated(JRCalculator.java:489)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JRCalculator.estimateVariables(JRCalculator.java:108)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JRCalculator.estimateGroupRuptures(JRCalculator.java:122)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JRVerticalFiller.fillReportContent(JRVerticalFiller.java:178)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JRVerticalFiller.fillReport(JRVerticalFiller.java:142)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JRFiller.fillReport(JRFiller.java:114)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JasperManager.fillReport(JasperManager.java:811)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JasperManager.fillReport(JasperManager.java:667)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JasperManager.fillReportToFile(JasperManager.java:582)

[java] at dori.jasper.engine.JasperManager.fillReportToFile(JasperManager.java:550)

[java] at JasperApp.main(JasperApp.java:103)




What is the problem? is there any other parameters i need to pass???


thanx in advance




By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: Filling Error

2002-04-07 01:32




This error appears in one of the report



If we are talking about the FirstJasper.xml

sample, and you have not modified it,

then certainly the error comes from the

FirstLetterGroup expression (FisrstLetter variable expression),

which has a "substring" method call.


If in your database the ShipCountry field might

be null or empty, then you should protect the

group expression by adding a length test before

applying "substring" like this:


<variable name="FirstLetter" class="java.lang.String" resetType="None" calculation="Nothing">



($F{ShipCountry} != null && $F{ShipCountry}.length() > 0)?$F{ShipCountry}.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase():""





In the supplied database, there was no need for

such an expression since all the records

contained a not null and not empty ShipCountry

field value.


Good luck!


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