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JasperReports Server - Implementation Architecture & Scaling


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Our organization is pretty new to the JasperSoft products.  We have JsperReports Server (community edition) running on some stand-alone Windows 2008 (x64) servers for proof of concept.  We're looking to implement on a wider scale. 

Are there any guidances on hardware requried for a full implementation?  What I'm looking for is guidance on hardware resources or servers needed to scale out to about 200 total users (fairly low concurrency). 

I'm assuming that a typical Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) server with multiple CPUs and 8-16GB RAMshould be sufficient for the whole thing.  I believe there is some modification needed for the application memory settings (java heap space and all) to take advantage of the additional RAM. 

Is this fairly accurate and straight-forward?  Any help would be appreciated.   Thanks in asvance!


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I think you're on the right track. If you have low concurrency, then the sizing you're describing should be fine. I would allocate as much memory as you can to your application server's JVM; I would start by setting your heap size at 8 GB and setting your PermGen space to 256 MB. You'll want to optimize the server startup scripts and configuration files to tune garbage collection settings and the size of your database connection pools.


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When you assign the memory for the JVM Heap make sure you are leaving enough memory available on the server for the OS and the Postgres Repository database.


As gdmoreno suggested start with 8Gb for the heap, I will use a max PermGen of 512 just in case. With a 16 GB server you should be more than OK. Also JNDI connections are more efficient than regular JDBC


What database engine are you using for reporting?




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