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Upgraded to 4.7 - where should postgresql database and tomcat live?

Go to solution Solved by tkavanagh,

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Our first installation of JasperServer was 4.5.1 Professional. I used the windows installer and had no problems.

Today I attempted to upgrade us to 4.7 and I'm having some problems. Doing all of this from the command line was a challenge. I'm not sure if the database or web server is running because I still see JasperReports Server 4.5.1 and not JasperReports Server 4.7 in my start menu. I can't connect to the web interface and can't connect to the repository through iReport 4.7.

My postgres files are still back in the 4.5.1 directory. Do I need to move them? What about tomcat? When I did the initial installation, tomcat was placed under the 4.5.1 directory. I moved it to the 4.7 directory.

How can I manually stop and start the database and tomcat?



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Hi Lisa, there isn't a really "nice" way to upgrade from an instance that was installed with the Windows installer when you install in the default mode. This is because there are "hard coded" menu paths from the original installation that has things like "-4.5" in the path. So, when you upgrade that 4.5 instance to 4.7, some of the paths will still be "-4.5" even though the instance has been upgraded to 4.7.

This is less of an issue under the linux installer (because the menuing is simpler).

Many customers use the installer version to get started and learn the product. But when they move to more of a "production" roll out for the company's users - they install a separate app server (ie tomcat) and a separate database (ie postgresql). Then the jasperserver install goes to those two applications. And then when it is time to upgrade the app server and database can be upgraded and there are not any issues about "hard-coded" paths.

I hope that helps a little bit.


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