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Problem with install eclipse plugin


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When i follow to install Jaspersoft studio plugin into eclipse the problem will occur


Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Jaspersoft Studio Expression Editor 1.1.1 (com.jaspersoft.studio.expressioneditor.feature.feature.group 1.1.1)
  Missing requirement: Jaspersoft Studio Expression Editor 1.1.1 (com.jaspersoft.studio.expressioneditor.feature.feature.group 1.1.1) requires 'de.itemis.xtext.utils.jface.feature.group []' but it could not be found

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Hi kaylims,
could you tell me what Eclipse version are you using? 

Looking at the error I suppose is 3.5.x, right?
Unfortunately the new expression editor can not be used in 3.5.x, but requires at least 3.6.

To resolve the problem try to deselect the feature concerning the Expression Editor (it is optional).



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 I get a similar error and am running Eclipse 3.7:


Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.

  Software being installed: Jaspersoft Studio Expression Editor 1.1.1 (com.jaspersoft.studio.expressioneditor.feature.feature.group 1.1.1)

  Missing requirement: Jaspersoft Studio Expression Editor 1.1.1 (com.jaspersoft.studio.expressioneditor.feature.feature.group 1.1.1) requires 'de.itemis.xtext.utils.jface.feature.group []' but it could not be found



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 And when I try to install without the Expression Editor, I get these errors:


An error occurred while collecting items to be installed

session context was:(profile=Servoy, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio_1.1.1.jar.

Connection reset

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio.components_1.1.1.jar.

Read timed out

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio.data_1.1.1.jar.

Connection reset

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/net.sf.jasperreports_4.6.0.jar.

Connection reset

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Same here, it refuses to complete installation tried both on Indigo and Helios. Tried with and without Expression editor. Just refuses to install



 And when I try to install without the Expression Editor, I get these errors:



An error occurred while collecting items to be installed

session context was:(profile=Servoy, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio_1.1.1.jar.

Connection reset

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio.components_1.1.1.jar.

Read timed out

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio.data_1.1.1.jar.

Connection reset

Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/net.sf.jasperreports_4.6.0.jar.

Connection reset


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Hi guys,
I've done some tests and here it is what I found out.

I've tried an installation on a clean java indigo package, using the update site http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/
The "Contact all update sites..." flag of course enabled. Everything worked fine.

I've also tried an installation on a clean java indigo package, using the update site http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/site.xml. Flag enabled, and I found out the same error you had.

It seems that using this url, the installation manager is unable to contact correctly the external sites for the additional features.
So, now as "workaround", when you face the error go back to the previous page and click on available software sites.
Now you should have the following ones, probably disabled:
Then enable them.
Clicking again on the next, you should be able to proceed with the installation of the plugins.

We'll try to figure out what can be the cause of this problem, in order to solve it.

P.S: If you have the chance please provide the error log.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried everything you suggested. It will not complete the install. It gets to 48% and then shuts down. This is the errors that it shows:


An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio_1.1.1.jar.
Connection reset
Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio.data_1.1.1.jar.
Connection reset
Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio.editor.jrexpressions_1.1.1.jar.
Connection reset
Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/com.jaspersoft.studio.server_1.1.1.jar.
Connection reset
Unable to read repository at http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/plugins/net.sf.jasperreports_4.6.0.jar.
Connection reset


I have installed the stand-alone version. It shows that its connected to my database, but it doesn't show any of the fields and I'm not sure how to call the report from eclipse.

Please help.

Post Edited by jamesw1123 at 06/21/2012 16:26
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can you enter these additional information:

  • Update site URL used to download the plugin
  • Eclipse version
  • JDK/JRE version
  • Os (i.e: Windows 7 64bit)
  • if you are using a proxy or some kind of custom network configuration to connect to internet

I verified similar issues with some plugins installation in the past, but most of the times it was caused by custom IT network configuration (proxy etc.). That required to play a bit with the network connection preferences in Eclipse.



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could you please specify which JDK version you are currently using?
The XP installation you are using is a 32-bit version, right?

From our tests installation is successful on different platforms.
Could you please try to remove from the "Available Software Sites" the ones that should have been added when trying to install JSS.
You should see:

After removing them, restart and try to re-install plugin using the update-site http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/
Please be sure that the "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" is selected.


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It is the 32 bit version.

I removed the locations, restarted eclipse, and tried to install the software using the url you listed. I am now getting this error:


Some sites could not be found.  See the error log for more detail.
Unknown Host: http://http/download.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/WB/release/R201109201200/3.7/content.xml
No repository found at http://download.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/WB/release/R201109201200/3.7/.


I do appreciate all of your help with this issue.



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 I'm still facing the same issue. Tried all the steps so far suggested in this thread, but no afail. I keep getting the following errors:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=Servoy, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Connection reset
Connection reset
Connection reset
Connection reset
Connection reset
Read timed out
Connection reset
Connection reset
Connection reset 
When I look in the workspace log file, I see a lot of these:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.transport.ecf 4 1002 2012-06-26 14:51:08.669
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.ContentLengthInputStream.read(ContentLengthInputStream.java:170)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.AutoCloseInputStream.read(AutoCloseInputStream.java:108)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.AutoCloseInputStream.read(AutoCloseInputStream.java:127)
at org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.retrieve.AbstractRetrieveFileTransfer$1.performFileTransfer(AbstractRetrieveFileTransfer.java:172)
at org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer.FileTransferJob.run(FileTransferJob.java:73)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
I'm on Win7, Java 7 update 22, 64bit, running Eclipse 3.7.2

Is it possible to download the Jasper Studio plugin for Eclipse as a zip file, so we can install in from a local archive and at least be able to continue while this is being investigated?



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Hi guys,
please have a look at the following request on the tracker 0005739: Zipped update site for JasperStudio.
A zipped version of the update site will be available only starting from the next release.
In the meanwhile you can try to adopt a solution like I proposed in the lastest comment of the issue (p2 stuff).

However as last attempt, given the fact that you should have all the three update sites registered, try to install the features in this sequence:
- Xtext UI 2.2.1.v201112130541 org.eclipse.xtext.ui.feature.group
- Xtext JFace Integration (XJI) de.itemis.xtext.utils.jface.feature.group
- JasperSoft Studio 1.1.1




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Hi guys,
I performed some other tests trying to solve these issues. This is what I found out.
After searching a little more on Google, I found some posts regarding errors of the kind "java.net.SocketException: Connection reset" when using JDK 1.7. So I tried to test it on a virtual machine with Windows 7 64bit.

I installed the JDK 1.7 update 5 (the latest available) and tried to install Jaspersoft Studio plugin in Servoy Developer 6.0.6 (Paul, I saw you used it).
I faced a different exception during installation process, look at the attacched screenshot and exception .log.

It seems that the "Comparison method violates its general contract!" error is given by some more strict checks introduced in JRE 1.7 regarding comparators badly implemented.
Eclipse Bugzilla already contains issues regarding this: Bug 317785 - [repository] Synchronization problem in mirror selection

So solution could be to downgrade to the use of a previous JVM version, so from 1.7 to 1.6.
Another trick can be to specify in the eclipse.ini (servoy.ini) file the following flag:


This should force to use the old implementation and avoid to bring up the bug.
I tried this latest approach on the  windows virtual machine and installation completed successfully. However I added also the following vm argument:


This because the update procedure, despite not giving exception, was very very slow. Someone used this trick to prevent timeout errors, check this blog post.

Instead of pointing to the external http update site, I've mirrored the needed update sites as stated in the tracker issue 5739.
I had to adopt the same solution as described above, so I added the two vm arguments:


I forced the use of a JVM 1.6 and installation completed without no problems and no "tricks" needed.

I've tried the plugin installation using directly an Eclipse 3.7.2 Java package, still Windows 7 64bit with JDK 1.7u5. I did not modified the original eclipse.ini with the jvm arguments. This time I had no exceptions and the installation could complete succefully.

If you are using a JDK 1.7, switch back to a JDK 1.6. 
This can be achieved placing in different ways:
- the jre folder directly inside you Eclipse/Servoy/Other folder (you can find the jre folder in your jdk installation directory)
- specifying the -vm <jdk1.6_installation_dir> either in the eclipse.ini or from the command line
- by uninstalling the actual jdk 1.7 installed and replacing it with a 1.6.
Eclipse is officially supporting 1.7 only starting from Juno releases. If you have a look at the Eclipse 3.7.2 release notes you see that the reference platforms against which Eclipse is validated and tested are still Java 6. 

If you are already using the JDK 1.6 and have problems, give it try putting the 
vm argument in the eclipse.ini file.

Really hope this helps, let me know.

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